Dolls & Outfits to SEW
XS-862 |
Heartstrings Tea and Crumpets,
designed byPat Thode, The Artists Collection, 1993. Designs include: Miss
Abigail Pritchard Doll, Full- Size Sampler, Doll Sampler, Full- Size
Chatelaine, Doll Chateline.
& Ordering |
GS-6567 |
Dolls & Clothes on Parade,
KFS, nd. A variety of dolls in various sizes to sew, knit, and crochet: SEW
Fairy Tale Bride, Miss Ballerina, Grama & Grampa (with crochet Shawl and
Sweater), Quick Cuddle Dolls, Miss Mary, Amanda, Mr. Spools Spool Doll, Tiny
Blondie, Clothespin Family, Baby Millie; KNIT 19" tall Michael and Heidi
Jane; CROCHET 29" tall Mr. Tommy and Miss Cindy. All sewing patterns
and/or instructions appear to be printed in the book.
& Ordering |
QS-077 |
SEW Soft Darlin' Dolls, designed
by Ondina Wilkins, Craft Course Publishers, 1983. Full-size patterns to SEW a
variety of soft- sculpture dolls, including babies, boys & girls, Grama
& Grampa, clowns, ladies, etc.
& Ordering |
QS-352 |
SEW The Magic of Dolls, designed
by Michelle Crawford, Simplicity Pattern Co., 1993. Dolls and outfits with
full-size patterns to SEW include: Ollie the fishingBoy, Sarah the Stitcher,
Cowboy Bob, Gilda the Gypsy, Taille the Tooth Fairy, Crissy the Country Doll.
Very good condition.
$7.99 |
QS-353 |
SEW Button Babies Book 2,
designed by Cheri Saffiote, Darrow Production Co., 1993. Full- size patterns to
SEW for Nattie & Teacher's Pet. Very good condition.
$7.99 |
QS-354 |
SEW Sunset Dolls & Soft Toys,
designed by JoAnn Masaoka, Sunset Books, 1977. Includes: DOLL POTPOURRI --
Applique Gingerbread Man, Pipe Cleaner People, Waking/ Sleeping Dolls, Louis
Looselimbs, Goldibraids and dresses, Pillow Portraits, Ballet Troupe of
Bendable Dolls, Matryoshka, Papoose Babies, Topsy Turvey Red Riding Hood, Batik
Beauties, Stitch Sculptures from Nylon Stockings (Papa Doll, "finger
puppets" on gloove, Grandma and the Boys, Beanbags, angel); ANIMAL KINGDOM
-- William Walrus, Rabbit Duo, Knee Sock Zoo (rooster elephant fish, lion),
Bean Bag Fluff (Beaver, Rabbit, Cat), Child Art Pillow Toys, Bouncy Foam Filled
Beasts, Classic Teddy Bear, Very Scary Dragon; SOFT WHIMSY -- Village of Foam
Cubes, Animal Foot Cozies, Cuddly Cars, Balanced Diet Mobile, Nap Map. Very
good condition.
$7.99 |
QS-114 |
Bonnet Babes to Sew, designed by
Patti Funk, American School of Needlework, 1993. Full- Size patterns for five
dolls and oufits. Like new.
$7.99 |
QS-279 |
Notion Nanny, designed Kathy
Pace, Gooseberry Hill, 1993. Pattern and instructions for 20" peddler doll
from the 1800's to SEW; simple rag doll body with all clothes included, and
suggestions on how to make many of her wares. Uncut paper pattern is like
$8.99 |
QS-089 |
Calico Cathy Kitchen Doll,
designed by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1977, 1979. Original, uncut black
& white SEWING pattern sheet. Excellent condition.
$7.99 |
QS-090 |
Dungaree Dude Kitchen Doll,
designed by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1977, 1980. Original, uncut black
& white SEWING pattern sheet. Excellent condition.
$7.99 |
QS-091 |
Calico Cathy Pillow Doll,
designed by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1977, 1982. Original, uncut black
& white SEWING pattern sheet. Excellent condition.
$7.99 |
QS-092 |
Dungaree Dude Pillow Doll,
designed by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1977, 1978. Original, uncut black
& white SEWING pattern sheet. Excellent condition.
$7.99 |
QS-093 |
Doll Up Your Kitchen: Bar- B- Q
Pete, designed by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1977, 1978. Original, uncut
black & white SEWING pattern sheet. Excellent condition.
$7.99 |
QS-094 |
Doll Up Your Kitchen: Missy Maid,
designed by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1977, 1978. Original, uncut black
& white SEWING pattern sheet. Excellent condition.
$7.99 |
QS-095 |
Doll Up Your Kitchen: The Toaster
Twins, designed by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1977, 1978. Original, uncut
black & whiteSEWING pattern sheet for toaster cover made of two dolls.
Excellent condition.
$7.99 |
QS-096 |
Doll Up Your Kitchen: The Coffee Can
Sisters, designed by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1977, 1978. Original,
uncut black & white SEWING pattern sheet for three size dolls to fit 3 lb,
2 lb, and 1 lb coffee cans. Excellent condition.
$7.99 |
QS-097 |
The Knotheads Girl, designed by
Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1980. Original, uncut black & white SEWING
pattern sheet for little girl doll wearing bib overalls and a shirt. Excellent
$7.99 |
QS-098 |
The Knotheads Girl's Extra Wardrobe
, designed by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1980. Original, uncut black
& white SEWING pattern sheet for pajamas, dress, jumpsuit, and panties to
fit Knotheads Girl doll. Excellent condition.
$7.99 |
QS-099 |
The Knotheads Boy, designed by
Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1980. Original, uncut black & white SEWING
pattern sheet for little boy doll wearing jeans and a shirt. Excellent
$7.99 |
QS-100 |
The Knotheads Boy's Extra
Wardrobe, designed by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1980. Original, uncut
black & white pattern sheet to SEW Pants, Shirt, Pajamas for Knotheads Boy
Doll. Excellent condition.
$7.99 |
QS-101 |
The Knotheads Mutt, designed by
Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1980. Original, uncut black & white pattern
sheet to SEW Dog companion for Knotheads Dolls. Excellent condition.
$7.99 |
QS-102 |
Polka Dot & Dan: Polka Dot,
designed by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1980. Original, uncut black &
white pattern sheet to SEW little girl doll in pinafore and dress. Excellent
$7.99 |
QS-103 |
Polka Dot & Dan: Polka Dot's
Extra Wardrobe, designed by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1980. Original,
uncut black & white pattern sheet to SEW Dress, Nightgown, Pants, &
Blouse. NOTE: Doll pattern NOT included. Excellent condition.
$7.99 |
QS-104 |
Polka Dot & Dan: Dan,
designed by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1980. Original, uncut black &
white pattern sheet to SEW little boy doll in short pants, shirt, and bowtie.
Excellent condition.
$7.99 |
QS-105 |
Polka Dot & Dan: Dan's Extra
Wardrobe, designed by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1980. Original, uncut
black & white pattern sheet to SEW pajamas, suit, and overalls. Note: Doll
pattern NOT included. Excellent condition.
$7.99 |
QS-106 |
Melissa, An Old Fashioned Girl
18" Doll, designed by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1976, 1982.
Original, uncut black & white pattern sheet to SEW beautiful "southern
belle" - type doll with bonnet and fancy dress. Please NOTE: this
soft-sculpture doll is NOT the same size as popular 18" play dolls.
Excellent condition.
$9.99 |
QS-107 |
Melissa, An Old Fashioned Girl
18" Doll Extra Wardrobe, designed by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic,
1976, 1982. Original, uncut black & white pattern sheet to SEW 4 extra
outfits -- Nightgown & Night Cap, Dresses, Blouse, Skirt, Cape, and
Pantaloons -- for Melissa, pictured above. Please NOTE: this soft-sculpture
doll is a very slender doll and does NOT seem to be anywhere near the same size
as popular 18" play dolls. Excellent condition.
$9.99 |
QS-108 |
Teen Dolls, designed by Dorothy
Sperry, Annie's Attic, 1983. Original, uncut black & white pattern sheet
for boy and girl dolls. Very good condition.
$7.99 |
QS-109 |
Twin Rag Doll Puppets, designed
by Annie Potter, Annie's Attic, 1975. Original, uncut black & white SEWING
pattern sheet for boy or girl hand puppets, with several different outfits.
Excellent condition.
$5.99 |