MA-011 |
Macrame the Easy Way, Clapper
Publishing Co. Inc., 1976. Projects include: Criss Cross Square Knot Belt,
Panel or Shelf, Belt with Ring in Back, Planter Hanging, Diagonal Double Half-
Hitch Rug Yarn Pillow, Macrame Jewelry (Square Knot Diamond Dog Collar, Reverse
Double Half Hitch Dog Collar, Diagonal Ridge Dog Collar), Bell Pull, Macrame
Purse, Sand Doollar Hanging, Lamp Shade, Orange Hanging. Most pages dog-eared
at bottom corner, cover wear, center page detached from top staple. Printed on
lighter paper that just has a flimsy "feel."
$8.99 |
MA-012 |
Macrame Forms and Figures,
designed by Lynne Tucker, 1975. Designs include: Owl, Owl on a Sling, Tiny Owl
Necklace, Fish, Clown, Witch, Santa Claus, Your Basic Angel, Bookworm Bookmark,
Wreath. Slight cover wear, but pages in excellent condition.
$9.99 |
MA-074 |
Kitchen Helpers, designed by Liz
Miller, Maxwell International, nd. Projects include Casserole Holder and Napkin
Holder. Very good used condition.
$5.99 |
MA-075 |
Kitchen Knottery, designed by
Pauline Finch, Plaid Enterprises, 1981. Projects include: Basket Case, Pretty
Handy, Triple Good Weed Pockets, Salt 'n Pepper, Spoon 'n Towel, Wine for Two,
Nice 'n Spicy, Tiffany, Spice 'n Spoons, Nifty For Napkins, Kitchen Organizer,
Toothpicks in Style, Coffee Time, Just Peachy. Cover is a mess from tag
removals, but pages in pretty good condition.
$9.99 |
The Fashionable Macrame Purse,
designed by Liz Miller, Plaid Enterprises, 1988. Projects include: Country
Handiwork Purse, Lakeside Purse, Bright Beauty Purse & Belt, Hearts and
Stripes Purse, Fashion Satchel, The Cat's Meow Purse, Sports Model Purse, A
Soft Touch Purse, Row of Diamonds Purse. Tags on front cover, but otherwise
excellent condition.
$9.99 |
MA-077 |
Macrame Chairs for Country
Living, designed by Liz Miller, Plaid Enterprises, 1988. Projects for lawn
and patio chairs include: Gone Fishing, Plaid 'n Crosses, Designing Hearts,
Mexico City, Falling Leaves, A Country Welcome, Sit in a Circle, Kitty's
Favorite, Indian Dance, Chocolate Mint Wooden Folding Chair with Matching
Footstool, Softly Plaid, Norwegian Winter. Pages age- tanned, but otherwise
very good used condition.
$12.99 |
MA-078 |
Furniture Fanfare, designed by
Liz Miller and Larry &Linda James, Plaid Enterprises, 1982. Projects for
lawn furniture, chair bottoms, footstools, etc. include: The Reading Rack,
Indian Country Footstool, Basket- Tweed Straight Chair, Sitting Pretty Straight
Chair, Filled with Twill Straight Chair, Easy Feet Footstool, Jazzy Plaid
Footstool, Honeycomb Patio Chair, Star Crossed Patio Chair, Here's To Herring
bone Patio Chair, Checkers on the Terrace Lounge Chair and Patio Chair, Sand
Ripples Patio Chair, Terrific on the Table Hot Plate, Dinnertime Delight Hot
Plate, Table Guardian Coaster, Coaster Guard Coaster, Some Like It Hot Hot
Plate, Red Hot Hot Plate, Sweet 'n Spicy Hot Plate, Star of the Show
Wallhanging, Lazing Lounge, Patio in the Spring, Team Colors Football
Wallhanging, Outdoor Sunshine Patio Chair, Terrace Sunset Patio Chair, Sun and
Shade Patio Chair, Patio Petite Child's Patio Chair, Sun and Shade Patio Chair,
Team Colors Football Patio Chair, Go Team Go Football Helmet Patio Chair. Tag
on cover; otherwise, very good condition.
$14.99 |
MA-013 |
Plaid's Macrame Sitting Pretty Chair
Seats, designed by Liz Miller and Linda & Larry James, Plaid
Enterprises, 1986. 15 chair seats to make from Macrame cord: Mosaic Scallops
Chair, Medallion Footstool, Americana Ladder Back Chair, Diamond Ripples, Patio
Pinwheels Lounge, Lovely Leisure, By the Beautiful Sea, A Little Sunshine
(child's patio chair), Summer Kaleidascope, Radiant Summer Rocker, Gametime
Patio Chair, Kid Stuff Patio Chair, Diamonds & Stripes Beach Chair, Granny
Square Rocker. Some cover wear, but overall very good used condition.
$9.99 |
MA-079 |
Juliano's Book 2: Hang It All,
designed by Elaine & Dominick Juliano, Juliano's Inc., 1975. Instructions
for knots include: Mounting Cord, Larks Head (Reverse Double Half Hitch) on
Ring, Alternating Larks Head Braid, Interlocking Larks Head Braid, Half Knot,
Loose Half Knot Sennit, Half Knot Sennit, Square Knot/ Solomans Knot, Square
Knot Chain or Square Knot Sennit, Square Knot Sennit, several multi-cord Square
Knots, Alternating Square Knots, Alternating Square Knot plus One Half Knot,
Square Knot Interchanging (Switching), Square Knot Picot, Horizontal Half Hitch
or Clove Hitch, Horizontal Double Half Hitch, Horizontal Double Half Hitch and
Return, Vertical Double Half Hitch, Diagonal Double Half Hitch, Double Half
Hitch Angling, Single Alternatint Half Hitch or Clove Hitch, Two Cord Half
Hitch Chain, Double Alternating Half Hitch Chain, Triple Alternating Half Hitch
Chain, SIngle Half Hitch or Corkscrew, Double Half Hitch Cross, Half Hitch Leaf
or Flower, Overhand Knot, Alternating Overhand Knot, Alternating Interlocking
Overhand Knot, Picot, Double Half Hitch with Three Loops and Square Knot, Picot
Overhand Knot with Double Half Hitches, Picot Square Knot with Double Half
Hitches, Picot Alternating Half Hitch CHain, Picot Scallped Double Half
Hitches, Picot Half Hitch on Holding Cord, Button Knot, Berry Knot with Double
Half Hitches, Berry Knot Simple, Genoese Bar, Genoese Waved Bar, Shaping For a
Belt, Variation for End of Belt, Picot Shape for End of Belt, Double Half Hitch
Shaping for Belt, Horizontal Double Half Hitch with Picots for Belt, Josephine
KNot, Figure Eight, Oriental Triangle Knot, Chinesse Crown Knot, Chinese Crown
Knot Flat, Turks Head, Monkey Fist, Wrap or Hangman's Knot, Butterfly, Adding a
Cord Square Knot, Adding a Cord Double Half Hitch, Splicing, Sling, Coil Knots.
Projects include: Macramania Hanging, Knock About Bags. Very good
$14.99 |
MA-080 |
Bloomin' Macrame, designed by
Wanda Seney Love, Crown Crafts & Notions, Inc., 1976. Unique floral
arrangements in Macrame. Instructions include: Leaves, Fillers, Basic Flower,
Lily, Trillium, Cactus Flower, Large Double Flower, Curly Poppy, Blue Ruffles,
Tulip, Tropical Rose, Red Amaryllis, Two Color Flower, Iris & Daisies.
Cover looks like it was laid in paint, but pages are in good condition.
$10.99 |
MA-081 |
Macrame Unlimited, designed by
Doreene and Clint Clement, Macrame Unlimited, 1976. Projects include: Illuma
Table, Splendor, Ultimate, Maximum, Mary's Braids, Cactus Garden, Beginner's
Luck, Plant Lamp, Essential, Christmas Ornament, Christmas Angel, Window
Greenhouse, Jill and the Beanstalk, Luna, Table Runner, Tiffany Lamp, Plucked,
3 Feathers, Earrings, Hat Rack, It's a Breeze, The Plant Cradle. Former owner's
stamp on inside front cover; otherwise, very good used condition.
$9.99 |
MA-086 |
Creative Critters in Macrame,
designed by Martha Holton, Craft Publications, Inc., 1977.
and removed, pages 3 - 4, with most of the Horse pattern, missing. The rest of
the patterns seem to be all present and accounted for and include Gerald the
Giant Panda, Pollie the Collie, Red the Little Fox, Mitzi the Pekingese, Bimbo
the Baby Elephant, Beauregard the Bull, Sassy the Squirrel. Useable, but in
pieces and not pretty.
$3.99 |
MA-088 |
Step One, by Debra and Ed
Richards, Color Craft Publishing, 1978. A beginning macrame books with knots
and techniques, plus the following projects: Hanger Cover, Owlie plant hanger,
Warts plant hanger, Button Button plant hanger, Greenie plant hanger, Diamond
Cross Table, Josephine wall hanging, Daisy Patch wall hanging, Venus plant
hanger, Farmer Owl plant hanger, Nik Nak Shelf, Tee Pee Table, Intricate Lace
Table, Love Lite lampshade, Rapunzel table, Up Up and Awayhot air balloon plant
hanger, Soft Glow lampshade, Speaker Table. Center pages detached from staples
but here; otherwise, very good condition.
$14.99 |
MA-089 |
New Lamp Frames, designed by
Bonnie Knoblauch & Raye Aaron, W.T. Rogers Co., nd (late 1970's?). Designs
include: Indian Summer Tiffany, Tiffany Lamp. Some overall wear; generally in
good condition.
$7.99 |
MA-087 |
McCall's Macrame, Vol. II, McCall
Pattern Company, 1979. Patterns include: Ringed Planter, Double Wall Planter,
Ceiling Plant Hanger, Window Curtains, Pillows, Mirror Frame, Picture Frame,
Drawer Pulls, Lampshade, Owl Hanging, small Owl Hanger, Large Owl Hanger,
Clowns, Covered Bottles, Table Runner, Rug, Place Mats, Halter Top, Brown
Necklace, Red Necklace, Orange Choker, Watchband, Flower Bag, Bag and Clogs,
Envelope Bag, Big Bag, Butterfly Bag, Seaside Sampler Anemone Pendant, Anemone
Choker, Shell Bracelet, Shell Necklace, Shell Belt, Bib Necklace, Medallion
Bib, Disco Bag. Very good condition.
$6.99 |
MA-029 |
Calcutta Cord Makes It Planter Wall
Hanging...etc., Smithfield Fibers, nd. Macrame Planter Wall Hanging, Cafe
Planter, Table Runner, and an Unusual Spider Planter. Good condition -- small
split up spine.
$5.99 |
MA-030 |
Calcutta Cord Makes It Cafe Curtain,
Sunburst, or Plant Hanger, Smithfield Fibers, nd. Two creases as if it were
folded in thirds for mailing in a legal size envelope. Otherwise, good
$5.99 |
MA-031 |
Freddy the Cuddly Owl, LeeWards,
ca 1977. Good condition.
$5.99 |
MA-032 |
Marbella Goes Square, designed by
Susan Edmonds, Accento Craft, nd. Projects include: Time Square Clock, Finger
Tip Towel Holder, Bathroom Buddy, Magazine Rack & Towel Holder. One small
note on Magazine Rack pattern; otherwise, very good condition.
$5.99 |
MA-033 |
Macrame Placemats, designed by A.
Bonnie Swartz, Great Yarns Inc., nd. Leaf Placemat, Champagne Placemat, Ombre
Placemat designed for beginners. Good condition.
$5.99 |
MA-034 |
Knot Craft Wall Hanging, designed
by Shirley Now, Wellington Puritan Mills, Inc., nd. Good condition.
$5.99 |
MA-035 |
A Sampler, American Handicrafts/
Merribee Needlearts, 1979. Good condition.
$5.99 |
Macrame * Macrame, P.
2 * Macrame
Christmas * Enjoy Macrame Magazine