Cross-Stitch: Animals & Birds,
Page 1
XS-869 |
Sea Mammals Alphabet, designed
by Barbara Christopher, Pegasus Publications, 1989. Includes (I think) Orcas
(Killer Whales), Harp Seals, Sea Otters, Humpback Whales, whales, Sea Lion
& Pup, Dolphins, Walrus, Manatees, and more.
& Ordering |
XS-797 |
Border Bonanza, designed by
Kathleen Hurley, Cross My Heart, Inc., 1994. 50 designs, including: Mama
& Baby Ducks, Bear with Balloons, Lamb with Cart, Rainbow Unicorn, Duckie,
Little Bear's Hobby Horse, Somebunny Loves You, Beware of Dog, Two Cats,
Kitten, Horses, Nut- Gatherers, Elephants, Cow, Tropical Fish, Peacocks,
parrots, Cardinal, Goldfinches, Hummingbirds, Geese, Eagle, Butterfly,
Floral Spray, Scalloped Bouquet, Nasturtiums, Sunflowers, Beribboned
Violets, Orchid, Iris, Floral Heart Wreaths, Yellow Roses, Rosegay, Pink Roses,
Rose in Boom, Rose and Violet Bouquet, Home Sweet Home, Bon Appetit, Fruit
Basket, Grapes, Strawberries, Vegetables, Seashells, Oriental Fan, Clown,
Cupids, Angels, Santa, Merry Christmas Bells, Snowmen.
Details &
Ordering |
XS-548 |
Four Seasons of Cross- Stitch by
House- Mouse Designs, designed by Ellen Jareckie and adapted to cross-
stitch by Sharon Pope, Annie's, 2014. Designs include: Swing Into Spring,
Spring Showers, Jelly Bean Nap, A Berry- licious Summer, Sunflower Siesta, Fun
in the Sun, Sweet Pea, Autumn Breezes, Trick or Treat, An Apple a Day, Winter
Caroling, Warm & Cozy Wishes, Candy Cane Joy, Star of Wonder.
$14.95 |
XS-006 |
Cross-Stitch Critter Careers,
designed by Linda Gillum, for Kooler Design Studio, American School of
Needlework, 1999. 34 designs, adorable animals representing careers from Artist
to Waiter! Brand NEW!
$5.95 |
XS-614 |
Penguins & Friends, designed
by Stephanie Seabrook Hedgepath & Leah Hedgepaty Pressly, Pegasus
Publications, 1998. Graphs include: Family Values, Penguin Totem, No Puffin,
and Do Drop In. Brand NEW!
$6.99 |
XS-109 |
Wolves by Moonlight, designed by
S. M Casper, True Colors International, a Division of Annie's Attic, 1992. 2
outstanding designs. Brand NEW!
$5.50 |
XS-591 |
Cross- Stitch 101 More Luvable
Pets, designed by Linda Gillum, Leisure Arts, 2007. Designs include: DOGS
-- Baby Yorkie, Lhasa Apso, Afghan Hound, Baby Cocker, Airedale Terrier, Baby
Rottie, Baby Husky, Baby Pom, Bernese Mountain Dog, Best Friend, Best Seat in
the House, Border Collie, Bichon Frise, Bloodhound, Brittany Spaniel, Brown
Eyes, Cairn Terrier, Chihuahua, Chow, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Collie, Doberman,
Dog Bone, Downhill Dog, English Setter, English Springer Spaniel, Great Dane,
Jack Russell, Hi Mom, Irish Setter, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Little Dog,
Luv My Squeaky, Maltese, Don't Mess With Me Bulldog, Mutt- A- Tude, Newf Face,
My Ball, Shipperke, Sheltie, Shih Tzu, Newf & Friend, Shar Pei, Spoiled
Rotten Dogs, Newfie, Shepherd Pup, Siberian Husky, Pupy Love, Smile, Walk,
Welsh Corgi, Welcome, Wire- Haired Fox Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier; CATS --
American Curl, Balinese, Birman, British Shorthair, Burmese, Cat Hat, Cat Hat
2, Cat Hat 3, Cat Hat 4, Cat's Motto, Dancing Cats, Exotic Longhair, Cats
Believe, Hang In There, Kitty, Kittens, Mine, Peace, Pretty, Relax, Cat People,
Rotten Cats, Singapura; OTHER PETS -- Got Cheese, Blue Parakeet, Big Bunny,
Ferret Friend, Box Turtle, 2 Bunnies, Cheesy Mouse, Frog, Froggie, Gold Fish,
Triggerfish, Box Fish, Hamster, Hamster Dance, I Love My Pony, Love A Bunny,
Pond Turtle, Lovebirds, Parrot, Beta Fish, Parakeet Pair, Sea Horse. Excellent
$9.99 |
XS-592 |
Just CrossStitch Woodland
Friends, designed by Cathy Livingston, Just CrossStitch, nd. Charts
include: Mouse, Tree Frog, Weasel, Hamster, Chipmunk, and Pika. Excellent
2 Available
$5.99 |
XS-593 |
Wild Animals of North America,
Designs by Gloria & Pat, nd. Graphs include: Gray Fox, Mule Deer, Caribou,
Prong- Horned Antelope, Mountain Sheep, Buffalo, Cougar, Black Bear, Bobcat,
American Elk, Moose, White- Tailed Deer. Not sure if pages are yellowed, or if
they were off- white to begin with, but otherwise very good used condition.
$6.99 |
XS-594 |
Something Special Bordered Wildlife
Collection, designed by Candi Martin and Susan Treglown, Candamar Designs,
Inc., 1984. Designs for Counted Cross Stitch or Needlepoint include: Deer Plaid
Picture, Canada Geese Picture, Ram's Head Pillow, American Eagle Picture,
Labrador Retriever Picture, Pheasant Pillow, Mallard Plaid Picture, Pintail
Duck Pillow. Good used condition -- pages in very good condition, but some
discoloration inside covers, along binding, and outer edges,
$5.99 |
XS-249 |
Something Special Tigers
Collection, designed by Candi Martin, Candamar Designs, Inc., 1982. Charts
include: Tiger in Floral Wreath, Tiger Walk, Tiger Cubs, Tiger Backgammon
Board, Tiger Patch Pillow, Tiger Purse, Tiger in Philodendron, Inquisitive
Baby, and Tiger Eyes. Very good condition.
$7.99 |
XS-017 |
Cross-Stitch Woodland Wildlife,
Cross My Heart, 1987. Includes: Rabbit, Fox, Butterfly, Turtle, Mouse, Robin,
Cardinal, Frog, Chipmunk, Deer, and Raccoon. Very good condition.
$4.99 |
XS-388 |
Woodland Creatures, designed by
Holly Cherie Barbo, Pegasus Publications, 1988. Graphs include: Hurricane Lamp
& Mice, Baby Skunk with Woolybear Caterpiller, Red Fox Hunting on a Stormy
Winter Night, Snowy Owl, Black Capped Chickadee in Pine, Douglas Squirrel or
Chickeree, Cottontail Rabbit in Drainpipe. I'm coming to the conclusion that
the pages were off- white to begin with. Otherwise, very good condition.
$6.99 |
XS-450 |
Forest Babies Collection,
Designs by Candi Martin, Candamar Desgins, 1983. Grapns include: Mother and
Fawn, Raccoons at Play, Quail Family, Mother Skunk and Babies, Young Fox,
Mother Owl and Babies, Mama Chipmunk and Babies, Mama Squirrel and Babies,
Bunny Family, Alphabet. Very good condition.
$8.99 |
XS-386 |
Reptiles & Amphibians,
Stoney Creek Collection, 1999. Designs include: Python, Alligator, Chameleon,
Frog, Turtles, Iguana, Tree Frog. Looks like some very light pencil marks on
the Tree Frog graph, but otherwise very good used condition.
$7.99 |
XS-417 |
For Earth's Sake, designed by
Linda Gillum, Leisure Arts, 1994. Graphs include: Snow Leopard, Bald Eagle, Sea
Otter, Kit Fox, Stand Still and Consider, Life is Precious, Protect our
Wildlife, Be Wyse Recycle, Save A Place for Wildlife, Lion, Planet Earth, Catch
& Release, Wolf, InBeauty I Walk, Preserve Conserve Enjoy, Rain Forext,
Born To Be Wild (Leopard), Born To Be Free (Tiger), Be a Friend to the Earth.
Very good condition.
$5.99 |
XS-390 |
Circles of the Sea, designed by
Karalin Rogers, Cross My Heart, Inc., 1995. Charts include: Neptune's Garden,
Coral Treasures, Dolphin Trio, and Orcas. Excellent condition.
2 Available
$6.99 |
XS-300 |
Hawaiian Reef Fish in Counted Cross
Stitch, Chris Faye Needlepoint & Cross Stitch Designs, 1987. Designs
include: Humu humu nuku nuku apua'a- Painted Triggerfish and Pencil Urchin,
paku'iku'i - Achilles Tang, Lau wiliwili nukunuku ' oi'oi - Needlenose
Butterfly, Kapuhili - Bluestripe Butterfly, Hinalea - Rainbow Wrasse, Kikakapu
- Clown Butterfly, Lolo - Red Labrid Wrasse and Spiny Sea Urchin, Kihikihi -
Moorfish Idol. Store stamp on cover, but otherwise like new.
$15.99 |
XS-397 |
Hen Party, Yours Truly, Inc.,
1982. "The Rooster may do all the crowing, but everyone knows who delivers
the merchandise!" Excellent condition.
$5.99 |
XS-020 |
Cross-Stitch Country Barnyard,
Designs by Gloria and Pat, 1984. Some truly wonderful designs incorporating
cat, horse, cow, duck, goat, bunny, rooster, sheep, pig, chicken, and my
favorite -- a spotted dog! Very good condition.
$4.99 |
XS-297 |
Polly's Little Lambs, designed by
Polly Carbonari, Leisure Arts, 1984. Cover scuffed, but otherwise very good
$5.99 |
XS-292 |
Fact or Fiction, designed by Judy
Milhallin Gibbs, Hollie Designs, 1988. Rabbit & Teddy Bear, Deer &
Teddy Bear, Seal & Snowibear. Excellent condition.
$5.99 |
XS-438 |
Mini Series #17: For the
Sportsman, Leisure Arts, 1987. Designs include: several dogs, World's
Greatest Hunter, Buck, Mallard, Phesant, Merganser, Camping is as Great As All
Outdoors, fishing rod, duck boarder, World's Greates Fisherman, Wood Duck,
Loon, camping scene, elk, fishing lures, Mallard stamp, gun & powderhorn,
"A Bad Day Fishing is Better Than a Good Day At Work," and probably a
few that I missed.
Details &
Ordering |
XS-137 |
Country Sportsman, Joyce C.
Bailey, Country Cross Stitch Inc., 1979. Adapted from original watercolors by
artist Louise Thgpen. Designs include: Labrador Retriever & Mallard,
Pointer & Quail, Pointer, Setter, Golden Retriever with Redhead, Mourning
dover, Wood Duck Sitting, Bobwhite Quail in Flight, Canada Geese in Flight,
Wood Duck in Flight, and Ruffled Grouse. Some pencilled check marks by
Materials but otherwise very good condition.
$5.99 |
XS-139 |
Kount on Kappie Book 33; Wildlife
Close- up, designed by Bill Groff, Kappie Originals Ltd., 1982. Designs
include: Mallard in Flight, Mallard Pair, Canada Goose, Great Horned Owl,
Chipmunk, Squirrel, Raccoon and Friend, Tortoise and Hare, Fawn and Butterfly,
Red Fox, Striped Bass, Rainbow Trout, Koala, Elk, and Pheasants in Flight. Some
cover & page wear, but overall very good condition.
$5.99 |
XS-595 |
Beatrix Potter's The Tale of Peter
Rabbit, designs adapted by Jeanne Bowers and Janet Powers, Green Apple
Inc., 1983. Graphs include: Don't Go Into Mr. McGregor's Garden, Now Run Along,
Mrs. Rabbit, Peter Was Very Naughty, Peter Rabbit, Some Friendly Sparrows,
Water Can, Upsetting Three Plants, Busy Cooking, It Was Locked, Flopsy Mopsy
and Cottontail, Some Camomile Tea. Very good condition.
$19.99 |
XS-373 |
Beatrix Potter's The Tailor of
Gloucester, designs adapted by Jeanne Bowers and Janet Powers, Green Apple
Inc., 1982. Graphs include: The Tailor, Little Mice with a Wasitcoat, Tippet
and Ribbons, Simpkin, A Little Gentleman Mouse, Live Little Lady Mouse, The
Little Mice, One and Twenty Buttonholes, Snippeting and Snappeting, Little
Mouse Stitcher. Excellent condition.
$11.99 |
XS-245 |
Shirt Tales, designs by Gloria
& Pat, 1982. Charts include: Rick Racoon, Tyg Tiger, Digger Mole, Pammy
Panda, Bogey Orangutan, and the entire Shirt Tales Gang. Price sticker residue
on cover; otherwise very good condition.
2 Available
$5.99 |
XS-460 |
Ducks of North America, designs
by Lloyd Hooker, Homestead Designs, 1982. Designs include: Monogram Alphabet,
Title Alphabet, Mallard Drake, Mallard Hen, Canvas Back Drake / Hen, Wood Duck
Drake / Hen, Green Wing Teal Drake, Pintail Drake, Canada Geese, Cattails,
Mallard's Nest. Good used condition - general wear, check marks on two pages
next to color charts.
$5.99 |
XS-384 |
The Canada Goose Collection,
designed by Peggy Perkerson Riedell, Country Cross- Stitch Inc., 1987. Designs
include: Merry Christmas, Taking Flight, Winter Geese with Holly Border, Family
Portrait, Christmas Goose, Northland Towel, Landing Pair, Canada Geese Classic.
Overall wear, but good condition.
$7.99 |
XS-385 |
Authentic Decoys by R. W.
Brownlee, designed by Vanessa Steele, DIS Inc., 1981. Graphs include:
Mallard Drake & Mallard Hen, Canvasback Decoy, Bluebill Decoy, Wood Duck
Drake, Pintail Drake, Hunting Buddies, Mallard Drake, Mallard Hen, Xpert
Shotgun Shell Box, Peters High Velocity Shotgun Shell Box. Can't tell whether
the pages are age- yellowed or whether they were off- white to begin with.
Otherwise, very good condition.
$6.99 |
XS-443 |
The Penguin Book, designed by
Holly Cherie Barbo, Pegasus Originals, Inc., 1988. Designs include: Parenthood,
Launching, Penguins In a Row, Scholars, Cuddling, We Three Kings, Chreche,
Swoosh, Boy & Penguin Card Holder, Penguin Elite. Excellent condition.
$8.99 |
Cross-Stitch Animals & Birds, p.
1 * P.
2 * P. 3
General Cross Stitch/ Embroidery P.
1 * P.
2 * P.
3 * P.
4 * P.
5 * P.
6 * P.
7 * P. 8
XS Flowers, Fruits,
Veggies * XS Alphabets &
Numbers * XS Animals &
Birds * How To: Cross Stitch
Cross-Stitch Christmas &
Holidays * Cross-Stitch
Angels * Easter