NOTE: These black and white Happy Hands
Originals, designed by Louise Becker and Jan Hatfield, are a church sale find.
As with all of the older patterns, these are, to the best of my knowledge, the
originals. Most look like they have been folded in thirds to fit a legal- size
envelope; my guess is that they were sold through classified ads in magazines,
etc., and apparently in 1980, "HHO" started a subcription service for
the Crochet Animal of the Month. There may be some slight page yellowing across
the tops of the pages.
GS-7212 |
Abner Alligator, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1979. 8" tall seated, worked with worsted
weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7213 |
Baxter Baboon, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1978. 12" tall seated, worked with
worsted weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7214 |
Bessie Bumble Bee, designed by
Louise Becker, Happy Hands Originals, nd. Worked with worsted weight yarn. Very
good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7121 |
Billie Goat, designed by Louise
Becker and Jan Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1978. 8" tall seated,
worked with worsted weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7121b |
Billie Goat, designed by Louise
Becker and Jan Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1978. 8" tall seated,
worked with worsted weight yarn. Former owner has laminated this pattern sheet;
print on opposite side of pattern shows through so that it is a little bit
difficult to read.
$4.99 |
GS-7122 |
Brassy Bassett and Buster Beagle,
designed by Louise Becker and Jan Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1978.
14" / 15" tall, worked with worsted weight yarn. Self- published
leaflet; 3- hole punched but otherwise in excellent condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7215 |
Burley Bull, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1979. Sits 6" high. Worked with worsted
weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7123 |
Burton Buffalo, designed by
Louise Becker, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. 7" tall, worked with worsted
weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; very good condition.
2 Available
$5.99 |
GS-7125 |
Busy Beaver, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1979. 8" tall, worked with worsted weight
yarn. Self- published leaflet; May be 3- hole punched but otherwise in very
good condition.
2 Available
$5.99 |
GS-7124 |
Calvin Camel, designed by Louise
Becker, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. 14" tall, worked with worsted weight
yarn. Self- published leaflet; 3- hole punched but otherwise in very good
$5.99 |
GS-7126 |
Chippy & Skippy Chipmunks,
designed by Jan Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1979. 7" tall seated,
worked with worsted weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; 3- hole punched but
otherwise in very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7127 |
Cutie Cat, designed
by Jan Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1978. 10" tall seated, worked with
worsted weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7127b |
Cutie Cat, designed
by Jan Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1978. 10" tall seated, worked with
worsted weight yarn. Former owner has laminated this pattern sheet; print on
opposite side of pattern shows through so that it is a little bit difficult to
$4.99 |
GS-7128 |
Dana Dachshound (Dachshund),
designed by Jan Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. 5" tall standing,
worked with worsted weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; may be 3- hole
punched but otherwise in very good condition.
2 Available
$5.99 |
GS-7216 |
Driscoll Dragon, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. Worked with worsted weight yarn. Very
good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7217 |
Duddley Donkey, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1978. Sits 12" high. Worked with worsted
weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7129 |
Emil Elephant, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1979. Stands 8" tall, worked with worsted
weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; may be 3- hole punched but otherwise in
very good condition.
2 Available
$5.99 |
GS-7130 |
Fisky Fox, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1979. Worked with worsted weight yarn. Self-
published leaflet; may be 3- hole punched but otherwise in very good
2 Available
$5.99 |
GS-7131 |
Flippy Frog, designed by Louise
Becker, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. Sits 11" high; worked with worsted
weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; 3- hole punched but otherwise in very
good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7218 |
Foxy Frog, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1978. Sits 7" high. Worked with worsted
weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7132 |
German Shepherd, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. Sits 10" high; worked with worsted
weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; 3- hole punched but otherwise in very
good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7133 |
Gilbert Giraffe, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1978. Stands 13" high; worked with
worsted weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7133b |
Gilbert Giraffe, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1978. Stands 13" high; worked with
worsted weight yarn. Former owner has laminated this pattern sheet; print on
opposite side of pattern shows through so that it is a little bit difficult to
$4.99 |
GS-7219 |
Gorman Gorilla, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. Sits 5" high. Worked with worsted
weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7134 |
Hector Hound, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1979. Sits 10" high; worked with worsted
weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; 3- hole punched but otherwise in very
good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7135 |
Henrietta Hippo, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1979. Sits 12" high; worked with worsted
weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; 3- hole punched but otherwise in very
good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7136 |
Kangaroo, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. Sits 12" high; worked with worsted
weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; 3- hole punched but otherwise in very
good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7220 |
Konrad Koala Bear, designed by
Jan Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. Worked with worsted weight yarn.
Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7137 |
Lester Lion, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1979. Sits 8" high; worked with worsted
weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; may be 3- hole punched but otherwise in
very good condition.
2 Available
$5.99 |
GS-7221 |
Lila Ladybug, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. Worked with worsted weight yarn. Very
good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7222 |
Miffy Mouse, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1978. Sits about 6" high. Worked with
worsted weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7223 |
Monroe Monkey, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. Sits about 6" high. Worked with
worsted weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7224 |
Muncho Monkey, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1977. Worked with worsted weight yarn. Very
good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7225 |
Oscar Owl, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. 6" Tall. Worked with worsted weight
yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7138 |
Pansy Panda, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. Sits 5" high; worked with worsted
weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; may be 3- hole punched but otherwise in
very good condition.
2 Available
$5.99 |
GS-7226 |
Pedro Pony, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1979. Stands about 18" high. Worked with
bulky weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7227 |
Peppy Puppy, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1979. Sits 9" high. Worked with worsted
weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7139 |
Peter Possum, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1979. Sits 8" high; worked with worsted
weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; 3- hole punched but otherwise in very
good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7140 |
Portia Poodle, designed by Louise
Becker, Happy Hands Originals, nd. Stands 6" high; worked with worsted
weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; may be 3- hole punched but otherwise in
very good condition.
2 Available
$5.99 |
GS-7141 |
Racer Reindeer, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1977. Worked with worsted weight yarn.
Definitely used, but easier to read than laminated version (below).
$4.99 |
GS-7141b |
Racer Reindeer, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1977. Worked with worsted weight yarn. Former
owner has laminated this pattern sheet; print on opposite side of pattern shows
through so that it is a little bit difficult to read.
$4.99 |
GS-7142 |
Remus Racoon, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1979. Sits 8" high; worked with worsted
weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; may be 3- hole punched but otherwise in
very good condition.
2 Available
$5.99 |
GS-7143 |
Rudy Rhino, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. Worked with worsted weight yarn. Self-
published leaflet; 3- hole punched but otherwise in very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7144 |
Seymour Skunk, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1979. Sits 11" high; worked with worsted
weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; may be 3- hole punched but otherwise in
very good condition.
2 Available
$5.99 |
GS-7228 |
Sidney Seal, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. Stands 4" high. Worked with worsted
weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7145 |
Swishy Squirrel, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1979. Stands 7" high; worked with worsted
weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; may be 3- hole punched but otherwise in
very good condition.
2 Available
$5.99 |
GS-7229 |
Thumb Sucker Bear, designed by
Jan Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. Sits 7" high. Worked with
worsted weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7146 |
Tippy Turtle, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1978. Approx. 4" x 6"; worked with
worsted weight yarn. Self- published; very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7146b |
Tippy Turtle, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1978. Approx. 4" x 6"; worked with
worsted weight yarn. Self- published; Former owner has laminated this pattern
sheet; print on opposite side of pattern shows through so that it is a little
bit difficult to read.
$4.99 |
GS-7230 |
Tobey Bear, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1977. Sits 5" high. Worked with worsted
weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7231 |
Victor Vulture, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1980. Sits 5" high. Worked with worsted
weight yarn. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7232 |
Woodrow Worm, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, nd. Worked with worsted weight yarn. Very good
$5.99 |
GS-7147 |
Zippy Zebra, designed by Jan
Hatfield, Happy Hands Originals, 1977. Stands 13" high; worked with
worsted weight yarn. Self- published leaflet; 3- hole punched but otherwise in
very good condition.
$5.99 |
Stuffed Pets [ 1
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Happy Hands Originals Stuffed
Pets * Stuffed Pets to SEW