Cross-Stitch Christmas &
Holidays, Hardcover/ Oversize Books, Page 1:

XS-1030 *
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101 Cross- Stitch
Christmas Ornaments, Carol Siegel and the Dimensions Design Studio,
Meredith Press, 1991. Hardcover book; designs include: A PRIMITIVE COUNTRY
CHRISTMAS -- Folk Art Angel, Holiday Steed, Mountain Santa, Pull Toy Sheep, My
Friend Sally, Christmas Goose, Patchwork Stocking, Patchwork Mitten, Snowflake
Diamond, Folk Heart; HERE COMES SANTA -- Jolly Santa, Primative Santa, Father
Christmas, True Blue Santa, Kriss Kringle, All American Santa, Soaring Santa,
Pere Noel, Legendary Santa, Roly- Poly Santa; TURN OF THE CENTURY ELEGANCE --
Rosebud Heart, Rosebud Fan, Rosebid Circle, Flame- Stitch Rosebuds, Crazy Quilt
Fan, Crazy Quilt Stocking, Crazy Quilt Heart, Gilded Noel, Sparking Snowflake,
Glittering Snowflake; TEDDY BEARS FOR ALL AGES -- Waiting for Santa, The Woods
man, Jean- Claude Bearly, Checkerboard Bear, Wind- Up Bear, Beary Best Friends,
Stocking Bear, Joyful Tidings Bear, Santa Bear, Baby New Year; THE TRUE MEANING
OF CHRISTMAS -- Christmas Chapel, Candlelit Scripture, The Herald Angel,
Madonna and Child, Manger Scene, The Holy Family, Gifts of the Magi, Stained
Glass Joy, Stained Blass Dove, Stained Glass Candles; ANGELS ALL GLORIOUS --
Christmas Tree Angel, Garland Angel, Banner Angel, Peace Angel, Joy Angel, Love
Angel, Angel of the Year, Stained Glass Angel, Face of an Angel, Folk Angel;
THROUGH THE EYES OF A CHILD -- Georgie Gingerbread, Peppermint Photo Frame,
Crayon Christmas, Candy Stripe Stocking, Major Mistletoe, Uh - Oh Santa,
Rudolph, Chrisdtmas Express, Skating Snowman, Laddie McMirth; A CRITTER'S
CHRISTMAS -- Sweet Trat Mouse, Can't Wait Kitten, Star Bright Giraffe, Penguin
Pair, Polar Bear Pastime, Christmas Cardinal, Precious Puppy, Loving Bunnies,
Holiday Lamb, Holiday Duck; A MERRIE OLDE CHRISTMAS -- Olde EnglishNoel, O'
Tannenbaum, Last- Minute Shopper, Home for the Holidays, Elegant Swan, Luminous
Lantern, Santa's Sleigh, Skating Beauty, Carolers, Holiday Horn; YULETIDE
SAMPLERS -- Vision of Santa, Let It Snow, Alphabet Heart, Country Cutter,
Celtic Christmas, O Little Town, Adoration of hte Magi, Heavenly Host, Peaceful
Poinsettias, Country Noel. May have former owner's name on first page;
otherwise, very good condition.
XS-1037 * $8.99
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shipping outside of the US.
Better Homes and
Gardens Christmas Cross Stitch, Better Homes and Gardens Books, Meredith
Corp., 1987. Projects include: Plaid Star Tree Top, Plaid Tree Ornaments
(Wreath, Candy Cane, Tree, Bell, Candle, Snowman), Plaid Place Mats and
Napkins, Plaid Throw and Pillows, Plaid Stockings, Snowflake Pillows,
Everywhere Christmas Tonight Sampler, Christmas Pillow, Hearth Stool, Medallion
Ornament, Snowflake Ornaments, Noel Ornament, Sleigh Ride Sampler, Christmas
Creche (Joseph, Mary, Infant, Donkey, Sheep), Holly and Ivy Stocking, Holly and
Ivy Wreath, Country Angel, Santa Stocking, Santa's Treat Sack, Twelve Days of
Christmas Sampler, New England Tree Sampler, Christmas Tree Banners, Sampler
Place Mat, Sampler Ornaments, Sampler Doll, Sampler Christmas Stockings. Some
page yellowing around edges; otherwise, very good condition.
XS-1038 * $12.99
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shipping outside of the US.
Better Homes and
Gardens Christmas Cross Stitch: Handmade Treasures, Better Homes and
Gardens Books, Meredith Corp., 1995. Projects include: TRIM THE TREE -- Guiding
Star Tree Topper, Frosted Snowflakes, Glorious Angel Tree Topper, Festive
Stocking Garland, Gift Tags, Holly Jolly Tree Skirt, Lacy Hardanger Ornaments,
Scandinavian Mitten Ornaments, Celestial Wonders, Merry Santa Ornament and
Shirt; WELCOMING WREATHS -- Sweet Candy Train, Pretty Poinettias and Brass
Horn, Merry Bear Wreath, Stacking Blocks, Rat- a- tat Toy Soldier, Della Robbia
Wreath; STOCKINGS FOR SANTA -- Cookie Jar Stocking and Ornaments, Southwestern
Stocking and Ornaments, Scandinavian Stocking, Jester Stocking; HEARTWARMING
GIFTS -- Merry Yule Sampler and Kitchen Accessories, Fly- Fishing Case, Fishing
and Golf Shirts, Racing Shirt and Tool Apron, Elegant Jewelry Roll, Brooch and
Earrings, Snow Family Finger Puppets, Bluebird Bear; FESTIVE RASHION --
Snowflake Vest, Snowman Pin, Santa Pin, Angel Pin, Tasseled Treasures,
Christmas Party Cummerbund with Button Covers and Earrings, Reindeer Sweater,
Sweetheart Holiday Collar, Friendship Mittens, Dancing Snowman Shirt; ALL
THROUGH THE HOUSE -- Tidings of Joy (Sampler, Tree Basek, Place Mat, Place
Cards, Ornaments), Santa's Wish Sampler, Christmas Music Bellpull, Noah's Ark
(Quilt, Ornaments, Tree Topper). Excellent condition.
XS-1039 * $9.99
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shipping outside of the US.
Better Homes and
Gardens Christmas Cross Stitch: Gifts to Cherish, Better Homes and Gardens
Books, Meredith Corp., 1996. Projects include: HOLLY JOLLY SANTAS AND SNOWMEN
-- Star Santa Ribbon, Santa on His Way, Santa Mini- Banners, Father Christmas
Doorstop, St. Nick Stockings, Snowman Ornament and Shirts, Happy Snowman
Stocking, Snow Family Welcome; WONDERFUL WEARABLES -- Cardinal Ribbon,
Poinsettia Vest, Peppermint Diamonds Jewelry, Black and Gold Jwewlry, Celestial
Button Covers, Music Note Buttons, Skiing Cat Duplicate Stitch Sweater, Holly
and Hearts Pinafore and Vest; FESTIVE HOLIDAY GREETINGS -- Noel Ribbon, Santa
cardholder, Noel Bell Pull, Peace Sampler, Christmas Greetings Sampler, Twelve
Days of Christmas Quilt and Ornaments, Christmas Cheer Sampler; TOKENS OF
FRIENDSHIP -- Gift Giving Ribbon, Beaded Bag and Belt Buckle, Holly Towel and
Napkin, Christmas Jar Toppers, Holiday Table Accessories, Night Before
Christmas Frame, Tree and Santa Ornaments; ANGELIC DELIGHTS -- Celestial
Ribbon, Little Angel Stocking, Glad Tidings Sampler, Heavenly Choir Sampler,
Sweetness and Lace Angel; TOYS AND GAMES FROM SANTA'S WORKSHOP -- Colorful Toy
Ribbon, Sailor Dolls, Paper Dolls, Circus Pull Toys, Candlyland Checkers:
TREASURED KEEPSAKES -- Snowflake Ribbon, Victorian Ornaments, Hardanger Tree,
Poinsettia Wreath, Holly Tree Mini- Sampler, Holly Table Runner. Excellent
XS-1040 * $9.99
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Better Homes and
Gardens Christmas Cross Stitch: Heartfelt Memories, Better Homes and
Gardens Books, Meredith Corp., 1999. Projects include: THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON
-- Roses Box, Yellow Rose Pin, Angel With Mandolin, Striped Christmas Jar,
Poinsettia Wreath, Partridge Wreath, Merry Christmas, Apple Ornament, Fruit-
Holly - and Mistletoe Arch; HOMESPUN HOLIDAYS -- Feather Tree Ornament, Folk
Art Kitchen Towel, Cinnamon Stick Jar, Folk Art Mug Mats, Folk Art Hot Pads,
Holiday House Ornament, Cottage Star Ornament, Holly Vest, Holiday Heart
Mittens, Christmas Sheep Needle Roll, Christmas Sheep Treat Bag, All Hearts
Come Home For Christmas Album or Sampler; STOCKINGS & STUFFERS -- Holiday
Borders Stocking, Snowman and Gingerbread Pin Cushions, Bell Shelf Liner, Quilt
Block Chatelaine, Tree and Snowflake Paperweight, Highland Santa Stocking,
Tartan Border Bread Cloth, Highland Santa Pillow, Thistle Earrings, Little Lamb
Sleeper and Booties, Let It Snow Stocking, Pocket Pal Dolls (Boy, Girl, Boy
Bear, Girl Bear); ALL THAT GLITTERS -- Old World Santa, Old World Santa Pillow,
Holly and Hardanger Ornament, Juingle bell Ornament, Madonna and Child
Ornament, Father Christmas Tree Skirt, Toy Package Ties, Winter Holiday Wreath,
Candle and Holly Ornament, French Horn Ornament; WINTER WHIMSY -- Festive Santa
Server, Christmas Is Coming, Snow Couple Figures, Snow Couple Ornaments, Elf in
Training Banner, Angel with Heart Ornament, Mom's Cookie Cafe Tray, Mom's
Cookie Ornaments, Cups for Mom's Cookies; SIMPLY CHRISTMAS -- Christmas
Sampler, Checkbook Cover, Santa Claus is Coming To Town Wreath, Mini Oraments,
Jar Topper, Holly Swag Towel, Snow People Child's Vest, Welcome Friends Pillow,
Initial Box, Flannel Stockings. Excellent condition.
XS-1041 * $9.99
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Better Homes and
Gardens Christmas Cross Stitch: From Hand and Heart, Better Homes and
Gardens Books, Craftways Corp, 2006. Projects include: BRIGHTLY SHINING --
Beaded Tree Pillow, Beaded Wreath Pillow, Joy Pillow, Celebrations Table Topper
and Pillow, Starry Angels, Majestic Ornaments; STAR OF WONDER -- Nativity
Sampler, 4 Nativity Ornaments, Starshine Sampler, Heavenly Hardanger, Havenly
Hardanger Ornaments; TIMELESS TREASURES -- Noel Hanger, Symbols of the Season
Ornaments (Candy, Presents, Stocking, Candy Cane, Red Ball, Santa Sign, Candle,
Gingerbread Man), Blue Snowflake Ornament, Snowman Ornament, White Christmas
Ornament, Nutcracker Stocking, Nutcracker Ornaments, Festive Gift Tags
(Christmas Gift, Special Friend, Holly and Ivy, Star, Snowflake); HOME FOR THE
HOLIDAYS -- Santa's Watchful Eye, Christmas on High Street, Winter Birdhouse
Towels, We'll Be Home For Christmas, Music Boxes (Christmas Rose and Holly,
Santa's Sleigh), Victorian Ornaments (Floral Fan, Tussie Mussie, 3 Horses,
Victorian Purse; FLURRY OF FRIENDS -- Snowmen Stocking, Snowmen Ornaments,
Gingerbread Joy, Gift Cards & Tags (Noel, Yellow Tree, Skate, Snowmen,
Bells, Stocking, Candles, Nutcracker, Gift, Tree), Snow Friends Wall Hanging,
Mr. Kringle, Mrs. Kringle. Former owner's sticker on inside front cover;
otherwise, very good condition.
XS-1042 * $12.99
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Better Homes and
Gardens Christmas Cross Stitch: Season of Joy, Better Homes and Gardens
Books, Craftways Corp, 2007. Projects include: COLORS OF CHRISTMAS -- Penguin
Travel Mug, Peppemint Candy Key Chain, Rocking Horse Santa, Tic- Tac- Snow,
Frosty Friends Cards, Tiny Treasures Stocking ORnaments, Bad Landing Stocking,
Gingerbread Village, Holiday Stitch Bands and Place Card; WOODLAND WONDERS --
Reindeer Roundup, Nature's Bounty Wreath, Snowbunny Wreath Set (Shimmering
Wreaths, Gingerbread Wreath, Santa Wreath), Jingle Bell Santa, Elegant
Ornaments (Star Bright, Holiday Heart, Let It Snow). Merry Monogrammed Stocking
Holder; A TRUE BLUE CHRISTMAS -- The Village Angel, We Three Kings, Bethlehem,
Celestial Angels Stocking, Small Wonders Ornaments (Bells, White Snowflake,
Snowflake Pair, Joy, Blue Snowflake), Snowflake Table Topper and Napkin, Frosty
Formations Candle Mat and Basket Lid, A Winter Blessing; MERRY & BRIGHT --
Rise & Shine Snowflake Towels, Twinkle Tree, Metallic Mittens, Festive
Banner, Sparkle Stocking, Curious Reindee, P0insettia Table Topper, Baby's
First Christmas (Large Stocking, Small Stocking, Sippie Cup, Bootees, Baby
Bib), Baby's First Christmas Afghan, Stunning Silk Taffeta Gift Bags; HOLIDAY
JEWELS -- Hardanger Bellpull, Avalon Christmas Pillow, Celtic Christmas
Stocking Holder, Tannenbaum, Christmas Cocktail Napkin, Cocktail Glas Charms,
Noel Candle Band, Mini Gift Bags, Antique Glass Ornaments. Excellent

XS-992 *
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Christmas Stockings in
Cross- Stitch, designed by Kooler Design Studio, Better Homes and Gardens/
Cross Stitch & Country Crafts, 1992. Hardcover book; projects include:
Santa's Workshop (Stocking, Pendant, Ornament, Gift Tags), Holiday Toy Shelf
(Stocking, Ornaments, Pegged Framed Piece with Card Holder Pocket), Snowy
Forest Evening (Stocking, Ornaments, Framed Piece), Christmas Cardinals
(Stocking, Framed Piece, Ornament, Pillow), Colonial Heritage Sampler
(Stocking, Bellpull, Ornament, Wreath Holder, Lamp Trim, Basket Band, Sweater),
Holiday Sleigh Ride (Stocking, Ornament, Wreath Adornment), Elegant Victorians
(Stockings, Flatware Holder, Apron, Candle Adornment, Ornament), Christmas
Kitty (Stocking, Pillow, Ornaments), Baby's First Christmas (Stockings, Bibs,
Ornaments, Gown, Bonnet, T- Shirt), Teddy Bear Santas (Stocking, Collector's
Cabinet, Ornaments, Place Card, Table Runner, Place Mat, Napkin), Old- World
Saint Nicholas (Stocking, Ornaments, Pillow), The Herald Angels (Stocking,
Table Runner), Christmas in the Manger (Stocking, Ornament, Framed Piece),
Songs of Joy (Stocking, Ornaments, cards, Framed Piece). Last page is detached
but included. Very good used condition.

XS-1022 *
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Santa's Great
Book, Leisure Arts, 1996. Hardcover book. Favorite Santa designs from
Leisure Arts leaflets and magazines include: Santa and Horse in Frame, Santa
and Bear in Frame, Santa's Enchanted Flight in Frame, St.Nicholas and Snow Owl
Afghan, St. Nicholas and Snow Owl in Frame, The Enchanted Sleigh in Frame,
Christmas Journey in Frame, Father Christmas Tree Skirt, Olde Santa in Frame,
Old St. Nick in Frame, Old St. Nick Afghan, Santa in Blue Stocking, Santa in
Blue in Frame, Father Christmas in Frame, Kris Kringle in Frame, Santa's
Journey in Frame, Wayfaring Santa in Frame, All Weather Santa in Frame, Rooftop
St. Nick in Frame, Spirited St. Nick Mantle Scarf, Spirited St. Nick in Frame,
All Weather Santa Planter, Wayfaring Santa Stocking, Kris Kringle Afghan,
Rooftop St. Nick Pillow, Santa's Journey Wall Hanging, Santa Pillow, Santa in
Frame, Straight to His Work in Frame, Santa's Great Book in Frame, Santa's
Workshop in Frame, Merry Christmas to All Pillow, Tally Ho Ho Ho Pillow, Santa
Under Tree in Frame, Santa Stocking, In a Twinkling Frame, Santa Reunion in
Frame, Santa Brings Good Cheer in Frame, Be Jollyin Frame, Tree and Santa Mini
Pillow, Moon Santa Pillow, Stuffed Santa Figure, Joy Santa Wreath, Joy Santa in
Frame, For You Tree Skirt, For You in Frame, Santa and Bears Afghan, You Better
Not Pout in Frame, You Better Not Pout Afghan, Merry Gentlemen in Frame, Merry
Gentlemen Dolls, Turn of the Century Santa stocking, Turn of the Century Santa
in Frame, Santa Mini Pillow, Olde World Santa Doll, Olde World Santa Gift Bag,
Dear Santa in Frame. Some shelf wear to cover, but otherwise like new.

XS-1023 *
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Sam Hawkins' 520
Christmas Cross- Stitch Designs, designed by Sam Hawkins, Sterling
Publishing Co., Inc, 1997. Hardcover book. Designs include: Angels, Animals,
Bears, Bells, Bethlehem, Birds, Books, Bows, Candles, Candy, Carolers, Car,
Children, Christmas Trees, Churches, corsses, Dancers, Elves, Flowers, Food,
Gifts, Gingerbread People, Hearts, Holiday Foliage, Homes, Jewelry, Lettering,
Lights, Mittens, Moon, Musical, Mrs. Claus, Nativities, Ornaments, Prayer,
Quilt Patterns, Reinder, Santa Claus, Shepherds, Shops, Skaters, Skiers,
Sleighs, Snowmen, Stars, Stockings, Sun, Toys, Toy Soldiers, Trains, Twelve
Days of Christmas, Wise Men, Wreaths. Plus quotations, poems, Scriptures,
prayers, Blessings, and humorous observations. Excellent condition, in dust

XS-1024 *
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Leisure Arts' Best 250
Christmas Quickies, Leisure Arts, 1995. SOFTCOVER 144- page book; designs
include: QUICK AS A WINK ORNAMENT -- A Festive Medley, Versitile Holiday
Motifs, American Christmas Spirit, Symbols of the Season, Merry Mini Stockings,
Nostalgic Linen Trims, Gift Ornaments, Santa's Helpers, Baby's First Christmas,
Fancy Little Stockings, Button Love, Delightful Dozen, Yuletide Messages,
Christmas patches, Tiny Stockings, Heirloom Ornaments, 12 Days in Miniature,
Christmas Story Ornaments, Hearts for the Holidays; FAST AND FESTIVE FASHIONS
-- Cozy Cover Up, Let it Snow, Candy Cane Mice, Santa Button Blouse, Joyful
Sweatshirt, Herald Angel, Christmas Socks, Reindeer Noel, Merry Mouse, Seasoned
Greetings, Reindeer Sweatshirt, Under the Mistletoe, Merry Nightwear, Fsetive
Gloves, Snowman Tunic, Holiday Pals, Ho Ho Ho Sweatshirt, Country Santas,
Buttoned Up Tree, Teddy Bear Pinafore, Christams Tree Sweater, Now Pal, Jingle
Bell Bear, Santa's Helper Tote, For Little Ones; DASHING THROUGH THE HOUSE --
Santa Sampler, Classic Table Linens, A Friendly Snowman, Gingerbread Greeting,
Happy Holiday Towels, A Basketful of Greetings, I Believe Stocking, Little Old
Santas, Gentle Nativity, A Cheery Tray, Petite Sampler, Holiday Towels, Quaint
Sampling, Christmas Cuffs, Holiday Chickadee, Sleepy Santa, Pretty Towels, Love
& Joy, Holly Day Table Set, Smart Little Bear, Cheery Stocking, A Sweet
Noel, Country Fingertips, Blessed Christmas, Heavenly Pillow; JIFFY LITTLE
GIFTS -- A Homemade Christmas, Heartwarming Jar Lids, Santa's Alphabet.
Cheerful Basket Clothws, Season's Greetings Mugs, Tiny Treat Bags, Holiday
Baskets, Sweet Gesture, Yuletide Trims, Deck The Baskets, Little Drummer Bear,
Easy Toppers and Tags, Merry Christmas Mugs, Winter Warmer Gifts, Reindeer
Cheer, Gingerbread Christmas, Christmasy Collection. Store shelf wear to cover;
otherwise, like new.

XS-1025 *
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Leisure Arts' Our Best
200+ Holiday Quickies, Leisure Arts, 1997. SOFTCOVER 144- page book;
designs include: VALENTINE'S DAY -- Love Bears, From the Heart, Romantic Mugs,
Victorian Valentine Frame, Be Mine, Nothing's Sweeter, Cupid Bear, Lovely
Towels; ST. PATRICK'S DAY -- An A Irish Blessing, Good Luck Shirt, Welcome the
Green, Playful Prayer, Beary Irish Mug, Gentle Blessing; EASTER -- Easter
Bookmarks, Cottontail Cover, Cheery Tops, A Beary Funny Bunny, Tiny Totes, Egg-
Cellent Lineup, Easter Babies, Bunny Mugs, Hop On In; PATRIOTIC DAYS -- USA
Bears, Flag Waving Friends, One Nation Under God, Patriotic Sweatshirt, An
American Blessing, Summer Coolers, American Apple, Stars and Stripes Alphabet,
Star- Spangled Angels, Spirited Bread Cloth, July 4th Mug, Heartwarming
Welcome; HALLOWEEN -- Halloween Hodgepodge, Trick or Treat Bags, Winsome Witch,
Beary Fun Totes, Pumpkin Girl, SPooky Socks, Frightful Friends, Halloween Wear,
Magical Towel, Boo Shirt, Enchanting Ornaments, Spook- Tacular Set, Happy
Halloween, A Cheerful Spirit, Bewitching Sweatshirts, Halloween Goodies, Happy
Pumpkins, Creepy Alphabet, Boney Bear; THANKSGIVING -- Peace and Plenty
Sampler, Thanksgiving Topper, Fall Fingertips, Pilgrim Pals, Autumn Bread
Cloths, Turkey Day Towel, Thankful Sentiments, Welcome Wreath, A Bounty of
Bread Covers; CHRISTMAS -- Christmas Ornaments, Nutcracker, Parade, Santa Claus
University, Heavenly Hearts, Fingertip Poinsettias, Rustic Tree Trims, Kris
Kringle Scenes, Frosty Tops, O Christmas Tree, Holiday Towels, Splendid Spools,
Merry Santa, Teatime Poinsettias, Ho Ho Ho Tote, Yuletide Socks, Merry Mugs,
Basket Warmers, Adorable Accents. Shelf wear to cover; otherwise, very good to
excellent condition.

XS-1026 *
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Leisure Arts Presents
Christmas Remembered Book One: Santa Remembered, Leisure Arts, 1989.
Hardcover book; designs include: Merry Olde Gent, O Starry Night, Making A
List, Weihnachstsmann, Gentle St. Nick, Memoralbe Stroll, Christmas Rider,
Traveling Companions, Father Christmas, Ever Green Ever Giving, Patron Saint of
Children, Ringing in Christmas, Bringing Christmas Spirit, Grandfatherly Gent,
A Splendid Sight, Miles to Go, Santa's Helper, Christmas Aglow, Kris Kringle,
Man for All Seasons, Sweet Dreams, All- American Santa. Slight cover wear, but
otherwise very good condition.

XS-1027 *
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Leisure Arts Presents
Christmas Remembered Book Five: Holidays Remembered, Leisure Arts, 1993.
Hardcover book; designs include: NEW YEAR'S DAY -- Father Time Clock;
VALENTINE'S DAY -- Doves and Roses Pillow, Marriage Blessing, His and Hers
Pillowcases, Rose Sheet, Rose Wreath Pillow, Doves and Roses Keepsake Box,
Valentine Guest Towels, Rose Wreath Sweater; PRESIDENT'S DAY -- Abraham
Lincoln, George Washington; ST. PATRICK'S DAY -- Celtic Blessing; EASTER --
Easter Bonnet Girl, Violet Collar Point, Girl and Bunny Hat Box, Egg Ornaments,
Chick in Frame, Flower Girls, Bunny Figure and Bunny Sweater, Chick Sweater;
MAY DAY -- Pansies, Violet Afghan, Pansy Bouquet, Violet Bouquet; MEMORIAL DAY
-- Memorial Day Soldiers; INDEPENDENCE DAY -- Three Cheers Mini Pillow, Yankee
Doodle; HALLOWEEN -- Jack O Lantern Ornaments, Witch and Owl Wall Hanging, Mini
Pillow Ornaments, Halloween Dance Mug, Cat on Moon Jar Lid, Witch Candy Bag,
Witch Basket Ornament, Bat Socks, Moon Lapel Pin, Spider Web Tie, Witch and
Pumpkin Shirt, Cat and Moon Shirt, Witch and Cat on Broom Shirt, Halloween
Dance Shirt; THANKSGIVING -- Pilgrim Woman, Thanksgiving Turkey Tray, Fall
Leaves Afghan, Puritan Relief Ship, Harvest Border Table Linens; CHRISTMAS --
Angel Ornaments, Peace on Earth Angels in Frame, Gloria Angel Stocking,
Evergreen Angel Stocking, Angel Porcelain Jar, Evergreen Angel Pillow, Peace on
Earth Angels Pillow, Gloria Angel Pillow. Front cover badly scratched up but
pages in very good condition.

XS-1028 *
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Leisure Arts Presents
Christmas Remembered Book Six: Merry Christmas ABC, Leisure Arts, 1993.
Hardcover book; designs include: Angel Treetop Ornament, Jingle Bell Afghan,
Children Dreaming in Frame, Heart- Shaped Sachet Ornament, Fan- Shaped Sachet
Ornament, Stocking Ornament, Lavender Bag Ornament, Purse Ornament, Jar Lids,
Gift Tags, Christmas Recipe in Frame, Holly Santa Pillow, Ice Ornaments, Joy
Bellpull, Kriss Kringle Reading Letters in Frame, Mistletoe Kissing Ball,
Nativity Wall Hanging, Heart- Shaped Santa Ornaments, Peddler Advent Calendar,
Quadrille in Frame, Santa and Reindeer Standing Figures, Snow Family Stuffed
Shapes, Teddy Stockings, Uproar Clock, Carolers' Sweatshirts, Perforated Paper
Ornaments, Stocking, Boys on Sled in Frame. Very good condition.

XS-1029 *
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shipping outside of the US.
Arts Presents Christmas Remembered Book Eight: Down Santa Claus Lane,
Leisure Arts, 1994. Hardcover book; designs include: Santa In Toyland Stocking,
Santa Portraits in Frames, Housetop Santa in Frame, Santa at the Door Pillow,
Santa and Girl Pillow, Hooded Santa Pillow, Santa Face Candle Ties, Blue Santa
in Frame, Standing Santa Figures, St. Nick Afghan, A Merry Christmas To You in
Frame, Enter with a Happy Heart Banner, Baby's First Christmas in Frame,
Christmas Memories Album Cover, Patriotic Santa in Frame, Flag- Bearing Santa
Oraments, Patriotic Santa Afghan, Handsome Tree Skirt, Humble Visitor in Frame,
Lantern Santa in Frame, Favorite Toy Ornaments, Gifts for Girls and Boys
Stockings, Christmas Traveler in Frame, Joy to the World in Frame, Olde World
Santa Ornaments, Jingle Bell Santa Sweatshirt, Santa Necklace, Mistletoe Santa
Sweater, Santa Face Button Covers, Wispy Beard Santa Sweater. Some cover wear,
but otherwise very good condition.
Hardcover/ Oversize Cross
Stitch Christmas * P. 2
Christmas * The Vanessa Ann
Collection Christmas in
Cross-Stitch * Cross-Stitch Holiday
Magazines * Angels
Christmas * Plastic Canvas
Christmas * Quilting & Sewing
Christmas * Just
Easter * Just Halloween