Cross-Stitch Christmas &
Holidays, Hardcover/ Oversize Books, Page 2:
XS-1035 * $9.99
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Special Occasions in
Cross- Stitch, Rodale Press, Inc., 1992. SPRING -- Spring Banner, March
Charm, Aunt Mary's Footstool, Country Pillow Pair, April "Egg"stasy,
Mr. Fancy Pants, Happy Birthday Baby, Bushel of Love, Easter Bands, May Days,
Bath Towels, Vanity Set, Country Pinafore, Dolled up Quilt, Spring Tablecloth;
SUMMER -- Summr Banner, June Catnaps, Daddy's Girl, Summer Flower Set, Wedding
Ensemble, Silver Anniversary, July Flagwaving, Dresser Bow, Patriotic Village,
August Calls, Cozy Coverlet; AUTUMN -- Autumn Banner, September Majesty, Bath
Sachets, Welcome, Grandma's Sewing Box, October Wonder, Treat Box, Harvest
Coasters, Home Sweet Home, Old Home Place, November Harvest, Autumn Bands,
Sampler Pillow, Thanksgiving Feast; WINTER -- Winter Banner, December Holiday,
Holiday RUnner, Crystal Snowflakes, Christmas Plaid, Apricot Stocking, January
Wonder, Winter Centerpiece, Hide Away Boxes, February Hearts, Love Lights,
Valentine Tabletop, Romantic Pillow. Excellent condition.

XS-1034 * $8.99
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shipping outside of the US.
Country Christmas
Cross- Stitch, designed by Lisbeth Perrone, CBS Publications, 1985.
Swedish- inspired designs include: Stuffed Ornaments (Gift Package, Sled, Lamb,
Noel, Bird, Gold - Winged Angel, Christmas Tree, Angel and Candle, Snowman,
Bell, Candy Cane, Apple), Flat Ornaments (Heart, Mouse, Gift Basket, Holly,
andle, Cardinal Bird, Pine Cones, Pig, Teddy Bear, Gnome, ROcking Horse, Joly
Santa, Dove, Dancing Gnome), Trees and Hearts Tree Skirt, Christmas Pig Tree
Skirt, Hearts and Pine Cones Stocking, Santa and Presents Stocking, Christmas
Teddy Bear Stocking, Dancing Gnomes with Baskets Stocking, Wheatstalks and Bows
Tablecloth, Hearts and Wreaths Tablecloth, Pine Cone Runner, Christmas Ball
Ornaments Runner, Cranberries and Leaves Place Mats and Napkins, Hearts Advent
Calendar, Gingerbread House, Welcome Sampler, Baby's First Christmas - Teddy
Bear and Moon, Christmas Kittens, Baby's First Christmas -- Hearts, Old-
Fashioned Christmas Kitchen, Twelve Days of Christams, Nativity Scene, Santa's
Workshop, Creche, Pine Cone Stuffed Wreath, Santa Stuffed Wreath, Candy Cane
Stuffed Wreath, Old- Fashioned Christmas Card Holder, Angel Guest Towel,
Christmas Wreath Guest Towel, Blue Peace Dove Pillow, Snowflake Pillow,
Christmas Pig Pillow, Dancing Gnomes Pillow, Poinsettia Pillow, Baby's
Coverlet, Pigs and Hearts Tray Holder, Apple Tray Holder, Santa Christmas Card,
Steepled- Church Christmas Card, Teddy Bear Garland, Gnomes Alphabet and
Numbers. Wear to dust cover, penciled "x's" by graphs of ornaments
made, some pencil marks on a couple of ornament graphs. THe rest of the book is
in very good condition.

XS-1033 * $7.99
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The Vanessa Ann
Collection: All Through the House Christmas in Cross- Stitch, Oxmoor House,
1985. Hardcover book; graphs include: The Stockings Were Hung, Patchwork
Stockings, Angel & Shepherd Stockings, Blue Velvet Stocking, Miniature
Mittens, Monogrammed Sachets, Treetop Star, Dove of Peace (Dove Tree Skirt,
Soft- sculpture Dove, Dove Garland, Dove Wrap), Angel Candle Ring, Patchwork
Stars, Patchwork Hearts, Stephanie's First Christmas, Christmas Wreath Pillow,
Christmas Wishes, Kissing Ball, Christmas Bells, Noel Advent Calendar, Lettuce
Leaf Ornaments, The Children Were Nestled, Terasure Box, The Lion & Lamb,
Lollipops, Heart Quilt & Pillow, Family Sampler, Afghan, WInter Playground,
Christmas Is for Children, Lamb Pillow, Angel Music Box, Goose Sampler, Goose
Collar, Angel Pinafore, Satin Candy Canes, Red Ribbon Hearts, Shaun's First
Christmas, Toy Soldier Stocking, He Looked Like a Peddler, Ruffled Pillows, Jar
Covers & Bands, A Christmas Goose, Sweet Temptations, Christmas Preserves,
Christmas Towel, Tea Towel, Jewelry Bags, Snowman Pillow, Gift Bags, Little
Tote Gabs, Wine Bags, Beaded Soap Bags, Napkin Rings & Place Mats, Picture
Frame, Merry Christmas to All, Santa Wall Hanging, Christmas Envelope, All
Around the House, Christmas Heralds, Nativity Scene, Fairy Talke Season's
Greetings, Row Houses. Some wear to dust jacket; otherwise, very good used

XS-1043 * $8.99
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Vanessa- Ann Collection: Holidays in Cross- Stitch 1987, Oxmoor House,
1986. Hardcover book with graphs for all kinds of holidays include: New Year's
Day -- A Year to Remember; Valentine's Day -- Valentine Doll, Be Mine,
Valentine, You Will Always Be My Valentine, Ewes Coverlet; National Pig Day --
Ham & Eggs; st Patrick's Day -- An Irish Blessing; Easter -- Easter Doll,
Rabbit Egg, Lamb Egg, Chick Egg, Stenciled Eggs, RIbbon Eggs, Easter Pinafore
& Hatband; May Day -- Trellis Pillow; Be Kind To Animals Week -- Noah's
Ark; Mother's Day -- A Mother's Day Sampler, A Mother's Day Card, Porcelain
Boxes; Friendship Day -- Tulip Card, Poppy Card; Father's Day -- Ties &
Box, Initial Boxes, Woodland Sampler; Independence Day -- Patriotic Pair,
America; National Ice Cream Day -- Ice Cream Cones, Ice Cream Social; National
Picnic Day -- Lemonade, Ice Cream, Cherry Pie, Picnic Cloth; First Day of
School -- Schoolgirl Doll, Alphabet Apples; Grandparents' Day -- Beaded Sachet
Pillow, Grandma's Music Box, Grandpa's Cigar Tray; Bicentennial of the
Constitution -- The Preamble; Halloween -- Halloween Doll, Trick or Treat Bag,
Treat Bags; Thanksgiving -- VIllage, House, Heart of the Home Sampler; St.
Nicholas' Day -- St. Nicholas, Kris Kringle, Father Ice; Snow White's 50th
Anniversary -- Snow White; Christmas -- Snowflake Doll, A Holiday Welcome,
Christmas Ornaments, Noel Garland & Pillow, Christmas Gift Tags, Paper Gift
Bags, Drummer Boy, Christmas Collars, Quilt Block Wall Hanging, Forest Friends
Stocking, Maiden Stocking, Nine- Square Pillows, Nutcrakcers In a Row. Very
good condition.

XS-561 * $11.99
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shipping outside of the US.
Vanessa- Ann Collection: Holidays in Cross- Stitch 1988, Oxmoor House,
1987. Hardcover book with graphs for all kinds of holidays include: Three Kings
Day -- Bearing Gifts; National Pie Day -- Apple Pie; Valentine's Day -- Wreath
of Hearts, You've Stolen My Heart, A Lover's Sampler; Mardi Gras -- Carnival
Time, The Jester; Chinese New Year -- The Dragon; Bachelor's Day -- Fair Gme;
Johnny Appleseed Day -- The Apple Orchard; St. Patrick's Day -- An Irish Bib;
Internatioal Children's Book Day -- ABC Blocks; Easter -- Geometric Easter
Eggs, Jesus and the Children, My Tulips are Yours, An Easter Celebration; May
Day -- Spring Pillow; National Pet Week -- A Barnful of Pets; Mother's Day --
Heart & Star Pillows; Teacher Thank You Week -- The School Yard, School
Days; Father's Day - A Sampler for Father; State Fair Month -- State Fair Hand
Towel, At the Fair; National Aviation Day -- Up Up and Away; Grandparents' Day
-- Memories Photo Album; Summer Olympics -- The Olympic Goddess; Universal
Children's Day -- Little Boys' Dreams, Little Girls' Dreams; Sweetest Day --
Happy Play, Happy Hearts Hand Towel; Pumpkin Day -- The Pumpkin Harvest;
Halloween -- Halloween Totes; Election Day -- Vote!; Thanksgiving -- Welcome
Sampler, Welcome Hand Towels; Hanukkah -- Happy Hanukkah; Christmas --
Christmas Goose Samplers, Angel Sweatshirt, O Come All Ye Faithful, Christmas
Tree Wall Hanging, Angel Stockings, Father Frost, Hark the Herald Angels Sing,
I'm Yours Forever. Very good condition.

XS-1044 * $8.99
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Vanessa- Ann Collection: Holidays in Cross- Stitch 1989, Oxmoor House,
1988. Hardcover book with graphs for all kinds of holidays include: A Bouquet
of Roses, Rabbit Tote, Flower Garden Towel, Wreath Garland Towel, Valentine
Boxes, Emily Doll with outfits (five embroidered Dresses, Pantalets,
Petticoat), Wildlife Banner, Spring Pillow, Easter Samplers, Mother Nature's
Sampler, In God We Trust, Hare, French Countryside, Sachet Pillow, Verb
Sampler, Heart Pot Holder, It's Udder Confusion, Cow Pot Holder, Super Dad,
Summer Pillow, The Frontier, The Moon, Pierrot Pillow, Pierrot Quilt, Go By
Train, Autumn Pillow, Jewish New Year, Vegetables, Ghost Sweatshirt, Holiday
Table Runner, Napking Rings and Napkins, Holiday Wall Hanging, Sinter Klaas,
Winter Pillow, Yuletide Stockings, Wise Men Still Seek Him, Towels, Victorian
Stocking, Holiday Masks. Lamnination has bubbled on front and back covers, but
pages in very good condition.

XS-1045 * $8.99
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Vanessa- Ann Collection: Holidays in Cross- Stitch 1990, Oxmoor House,
1989. Hardcover book with graphs for all kinds of holidays including: Tenpin
Bowling Match, I'm Late! I'm Late!, Valentine Fireplace Screen, Love Makes the
World Go Round, Floral Bouquet, Claddagh, Locket, Farm Life Sampler, Jester,
Passover Tablecloth, Easter Pillow, Calico Rabbit, Easter Ornaments, Mother
Goose, Floral Mat, Sachet Bags, Rimini Pillow, Loom of Time, Coverlet, Father's
Day Sampler, Just Peachy, Hand Towel, Pillow Trio, Northern Neighbors,
Starlight Star Bright, Grandchildren, Rainbow Trout, Alphabet Sampler, Alphabet
Framed Piece, Crochet Pillow, Covered Box, Cat Sweatshirt, Welcome Wreath,
Thanksgiving Window Cloth, Army- Navy Game, Pere Noel, Tree Skirt, Christmas
Stocking, Merry Christmas, Manger Stocking. Very good condition.

XS-1046 * $8.99
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Vanessa- Ann Collection: Holidays in Cross- Stitch 1991, Oxmoor House,
1989. Hardcover book with graphs for all kinds of holidays including: Tuxedo
Cat, Fancy Hatbands, Springtime Flight, Mimes Trio, Heartfelt Valentine
Sentiments, St. Patrick's Day Tablecloth, Box Kites, Fragrance Day Quilt &
Pillow, Bubblegum Sampler, Bunny Pillows, Easter Coverlet, Forest Frolic, Busy
Bees, Mother's Day Sampler, Festive Gift Bag, Bridal Set, Let Freedom Ring,
Wildlife Pillow Set, All Amerian Apron, Seed Packets, Ride 'Em Cowboy, Herb Day
Kitchen Set, All That Jazz, Weathervanes Collectors' Box, Moonlight Dancing,
Basket Bib, Viking Ship, Wicked Windsock, Silver Bells, Thanksgiving Runner,
God's Grace, Christmas Stockings, Father Christmas, Twelve Days of Christmas.
Very good condition.

XS-1047 * $8.99
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Vanessa- Ann Collection: Holidays in Cross- Stitch 1992, Oxmoor House,
1989. Hardcover book with graphs for all kinds of holidays including: Flower of
the Month Afghan with Crochet Trim (Bearberries, Roses, Crocuses, Daffodils,
Liliacs, Tulips, Wild Roses, Poppies, Black- Eyed Susans, Leaves,
Chrysanthemums, Poinsettias), Gentleman's Sampler, Soft Sculputre Hearts, Pecan
Day Sampler, Floral Table, Country Keepsake Box, Blossom Bunny, For Mom,
Peddler Bear, Fish Festival, A Golden Set, American Pride, Indian Mother and
Child, Bears on Parade, Wildlife Sampler, A Child's Creation, Fall Harvest
Banners, Ancient Wall Map, Victorian Serving Tray, Medieval Christmas Parade,
Christmas Ensemble, Santa With Sleigh, Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot. Very
good condition.

XS-1048 * $8.99
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shipping outside of the US.
Vanessa- Ann Collection: Holidays in Cross- Stitch 1993, Oxmoor House,
1989. Hardcover book with graphs for all kinds of holidays including: Confetti
Runner, Tears of Joy, Everlasting Love, Cushioned with Love, Americana, For the
Love of Pigs, The Hunt, Star of David Cloth, Bunny Buddies, Grizzly, Earth
Awareness, Miniature Cushions, Wildflowers in Bloom, Hearts & Flowers Tea
Towels, The "Purrfect" Wall Hanging, Wizard of Oz Pajama Bag, Sweet
Sounds of Summer, Old- Fashioned Sewing Box, Storybook Animals, Sachet Doll,
Welcome Neighbor, Time for Wine, Newsletters, When I Grow Up, The Magic of a
Book, Give Thanks, Toyland Stocking, Santa Trio, Julnisse. Very good

XS-1049 * $8.99
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Vanessa- Ann Collection: Holidays in Cross- Stitch 1993, Oxmoor House,
1989. Hardcover book with graphs for all kinds of holidays including: Soup's
On, Stitcher's Delight, Carrots, 1-2-3-Ski!, Dance of Love, Hearts and Flowers,
Shamrock Shirt, Shamrock Button Covers, Hollyhocks, Pink Blossom Bunny, Dragon
Slayer, Pleasant Dreams, Mary and her Lamb, Pretty Packages, June Blossoms,
Wish on a Star, For Our Hero, Huckleberries, Heart of America, Folk Art Flag, A
Slice of Summer, Harvest Blanket, Pumpkins, A Stitch in Time, Trick- Or- Treat
Banner, A Proud Heritge, Tabletop Bounty, Snowflakes, Santa Stocking,
Scandinavian Tree Skirt, Scandinavian Stocking, Santa Claus, Rejoice
Sweatshirt. Very good condition.
Hardcover/ Oversize Cross
Stitch Christmas * P. 2
Christmas * The Vanessa Ann
Collection Christmas in
Cross-Stitch * Cross-Stitch Holiday
Magazines * Angels
Christmas * Plastic Canvas
Christmas * Quilting & Sewing
Christmas * Just
Easter * Just Halloween