General Plastic Canvas, Page 1:
Lace Net Embroidery/Net Darning NOTE: The
graphs for these designs might possibly be adapted for filet crochet,
cross-stitch, needlepoint, or plastic canvas.
Details &
Ordering |
Annie's Attic Plastic Sculptured Birds
$6.99 |
Details &
Ordering |
Purses & Totes |
Details &
Ordering |
Plastic Canvas Corner
& Ordering |
PN-1827 |
Plastic Canvas Big Book of
Magnets, Annie's, 2018. Designs include: Dolphins, Lobster, Orca, Starfish,
Katie Kangarroo, Kevin the Koala, Mickey Macaw, Chester the Chimpanzee, Ellie
Elephant, Rudy Rooster, Moo- Linda Cow, Viceroy Butterfly, Red- Spotted Purple
Butterfly, Birdie Magnets, Quilt Blocks (Star, Churn, House), Garden Fridgies
(Strawberry, Broccoli, Corn, Carrot, Watermelon), Corn on the Cob, Peasin a
Pod, Watermelon Seed Packet, Bell Pepper Seed Packet, Bugs (Ladybug, Dragonfly,
Butterfly, Caterpiller), Easter Basket, Easter Egg, Halloween (Witch, Broom,
Cat, Ghost, Bat, Pumpkin, Skeleton, Frankenstein, Dracula, Frankenstein's
Bride), Christmas (Gingerbread Man, Santa, Tree, Bells, Snowman).
$7.99 |
PN-1809 |
Plastic Canvas Flower Coasters,
designed by Kathy Wirth, Annie's, 2016. Designs on 10- mesh plastic canvas
include: Picket Fence Holder & Butterfly, Rose of Sharon, Tulip, Petuinia,
Poppy, Rose, Pansy, Lily, Iris, Daffodil, Columbine, Black- Eyed Susan,
Amaryllis. BRAND NEW 2016 RELEASE!
$7.99 |
PN-1760 |
Plastic Canvas Touch of the
Tropics, designed by Mary T. Cosgrove, Annie's, 2016. Designs on 7- mesh
plastic canvas include: Tissue Box Cover, Coaster, Coaster Holder.
2 Available
$6.99 |
PN-1761 |
Plastic Canvas Monograms &
More, designed by Debra Arch, Annie's, 2016. Designs on 7- mesh plastic
canvas include: Say it with Chevrons (large upper case alphabet), Ivy Monogram
(entire upper case alphabet), Faith Hope & Love, and Laundry Wall Hanging.
2 Available
$8.99 |
PN-1704 |
Plastic Canvas Silver Stallion
Set, designed by Terry Ricioll, Annie's, 2007, 2015. Designs on 7- mesh
plastic canvas include: Calendar Holder, Box, Tissue Box Cover, Coaster,
Coaster Holder. BRAND NEW 2015
$6.99 |
PN-1663 |
Plastic Canvas Storage
Solutions, designed by Joanne Gonzalez, Annie's, 2015. Designs on 7- mesh
plastic canvas include: Bag Holder, Bargello Cylinder, Desk Organizer Set
(Large Box, Medium Box, Small Box, Short Pencil Holder, Medium Pencil Holder,
Tall Pencil Holder), Big Box, Cord Wraps. BRAND
2 Available
$7.99 |
PN-1664 |
Plastic Canvas Southwest Planter
& Mug Rugs, designed by Carole Rodgers, Annie's, 2015. Worked on 7-
mesh plastic canvas. BRAND NEW 2015
$6.99 |
PN-1665 |
Plastic Canvas Welcome Wagon,
designed by Diane T. Ray, Annie's, 2015. Worked on 7- mesh plastic canvas.
2 Available
$6.99 |
PN-1626 |
Plastic Canvas Music Room Tissue
Toppers, designed by Darlene Neubauer, Annie's, 2015. 8 designs using 7-
mesh plastic canvas sized for regular tissue boxes: Guitar, Saxaphone,
Mandolin, Cello, Drum Set, Piano, Trumpet, Harp. . BRAND
2 Available
$7.99 |
PN-1618 |
Plastic Canvas Seasonal Tissue
Toppers, designed by Nancy Dorman, Michele Wilcox, and Janelle Giese,
Annie's, 2015. 3 designs using 7- mesh plastic canvas sized for boutique tissue
boxes: Summer Flip Flops, Happy Scarecrow, Frosty's Winter.
2 Available
$6.99 |
PN-1596 |
Plastic Canvas Pocket Tissue
Covers, designed by Cynthia Roberts, Annie's, 2014. 4 designs using 7- mesh
plastic canvas sized for pocket tissue packs: Peach Stripes, White Elebance,
Buttons, Bless You. Brand New!
$6.95 |
PN-1597 |
Plastic Canvas Mini Critters Tissue
Pockets, designed by Christine Laws, Annie's, 2014. 4 designs using 7- mesh
plastic canvas sized for pocket tissue packs: Cat, Dog, Pig, Elephant.
Brand New!
$5.95 |
PN-1419 |
Plastic Canvas Door Hangers,
designed by Mary Nell Wall, Annie's, 2013. Designs worked on 10- mesh with
pearl cotton include: Hoppy Easter, Back Door Guests Are Best, Welcome Spring,
Stars and Stripes Forever. Brand new 2013
$6.95 |
PN-1420 |
Plastic Canvas Southwest Calendar
& Coasters, designed by Carole Rodgers, Annie's, 2013. Designs worked
on 7- mesh include: perpetual Calendar and four coasters -- Turtle, Lizard,
Dragonfly, and Frog. Brand new 2013
2 Available
$6.95 |
PN-1421 |
Plastic Canvas Message Owl,
designed by Sandra Miller Maxfield, Annie's, 2013, 2014. Design worked on 7-
mesh plastic canvas. Brand new 2014
$5.95 |
PN-1168 |
Plastic Canvas Neon Color Tissue Box
Covers, designed by DK Designs, Annie's, 2013. Designs worked on 7- mesh
include: Leaf Pattern, Geometric, Quilt Block, Quilt Star, Tropical Colors, and
Round. Brand new 2013 Release!
2 Available
$7.95 |
PN-1244 |
Plastic Canvas Checkbook Covers,
designed by Glenda Chamberlain, Annie's, 2008. Designs worked on 7- mesh
include: Butterfly, Patriotic, Lighthouse, Bible Verse, Red Feather Hat, Hoppy
Day, Pinwheel Quilt, Monogram (with two full alphabets).
Brand new!
2 Available
$6.95 |
PN-1175 |
Plastic Canvas Magnets With A
Message, designed by Carole Rodgers, Annie's, 2013. Designs worked on 10-
mesh plastic canvas include: Some Puppy Loves You, Kitc-Hen Closed,
Everything's Just Ducky, No Smoking Frog, I Don't Do Mousework, Eat Chicken,
Have Mice Day, Love Makes Life Bear-able, Nobody's Purrfect, When Pigs Fly,
Dust Bunnies, Home Tweet Home, Latet Moos, In the Moood for Food.
Brand new 2013 Release!
2 Available
$7.95 |
PN-1035 |
Plastic Canvas A Dozen Coaster
Sets, Annie's, 2013. Designs worked on 7- mesh plastic canvas include:
Everyday Coasters, Sunbonnet Susie, Roosters in a Nest, Card Coasters, The
Cat's Meow, Noah's Ark (ark, Noah, Lion, Elephant, Zebra, Giraffe), Eggs in a
Basket, Fruit Set (Watermelon, Apple, Pear, Cherries), In The Doghouse, Pumpkin
Pleasers, Roly- Poly Santa, Maple Leaves. Brand
new 2013 Release, but cover slightly damaged in shipping.
$7.95 |
PN-1266 |
Alma Lynne's Birds & Bees,
Jeanette Crews Designs, Inc., 1998. Designs in 7- mesh include: Coasters, Door
Stop, Tissue Box Cover, Notepad Holder, Plant Picks, Calendar, Key Holder,
Lightswitch Cover. Brand new!
$7.95 |
PN-1161 |
Plastic Canvas Phabulous Photo
Boxes, Designed by Jackie Wynia, Jeanette Crews Designs, Inc., 1997.
Designs in 7- mesh include: Wedding Cake, Birthday Present, Christmas Present,
Birdhouse, Baby's Treasure Chest, Natural Treasure Chest, School Books, and
College. Brand new!
$7.95 |
PN-933 |
Plastic Canvas Sassy Sentiment
Signs, Annie's, 2012. Messages worked on 7- mesh plastic canvas include:
Grandkids Spoiled Here, I'ts not the Age--It's the attitude, and The Hurrier I
go, the Behinder I get. Brand new 2012
2 Available
$5.95 |
PN-898 |
Plastic Canvas Birdies Welcome,
designed by Janelle Giese, Annie's, 2013. Welcome sign and marching Coaster Set
worked on 7- mesh plastic canvas. Brand new 2013
2 Available
$5.95 |
PN-897 |
Plastic Canvas Tissue Covers,
Annie's, 2013. 17 boutique and regular- size tissue boxes stitched on 7- mesh
plastic canvas: Spring Angel, April Showers, Dalmatian, Fire Truck, Quilts
& Flowers, Summer Basket, Summer Jewels, LOVE Blocks and Tissue Cover,
Kitty, Panda, Bear in Picnic Basket, Baby Love, Count Your Bless- Yous, Red Hat
Style purse, Hot Air Balloon, Cottage, and Log Cabin. Brand new 2013 Release!
$7.95 |
PN-889 |
Plastic Canvas Seasonal
Spinners, designed by Lee Lindeman, Annie's, 2012. 6 designs stitched on 7-
mesh plastic canvas: Lighthouse, Sunflower, Scarecrow, Owl, Snowman, and Bear.
Brand new 2012 Release!
$7.95 |
PN-849 |
Plastic Canvas Greeting Cards,
designed by Madelieine Belley, Annie's, 2012. 5 quick & easy greeting
stitched on 10- mesh plastic canvas. Brand new
2012 Release!
$5.95 |
PN-850 |
Plastic Canvas Paws Bookmarks,
designed by Debbie Taber, Annie's, 2012. Pig, Tiger, Beaver, Bear, Bookworm,
and Frog worked on 7- mesh plastic canvas. Brand
new 2012 Release!
$5.99 |
PN-851 |
Plastic Canvas Dinosaur Puzzles,
designed by Sue Penrod, Annie's, 2012. Stetosaurus, Brontosaurus, and
Tyrannosaurus worked on 7- mesh plastic canvas -- or mix and match pieces to
create your own dinosaur! Brand new 2012
$5.99 |
PN-837 |
Plastic Canvas Bible Cover &
Crosses, designed by Kenneth Cormier and Lyne Pickens, Annie's Attic, 2011.
Stained glass Bible Cover and 3 cross bookmarks worked on 7- mesh plastic
canvas. Small tear in cover, cover bent from mailing.
$5.99 |
PN-838 |
Plastic Canvas Memo Cube
Friends, designed by Judy Collishaw, The Needlecraft Shop, 2004. 8 designs
worked on 7- mesh plastic canvas include: TOp Dog, Kraft- Krazy Kitty, Top
Notch Teacher, Faithful Fireman, Bella Beautician, Beary Talented Artist,
Reilable Repairman, and Dedicated Doctor. Brand
$5.95 |
PN-839 |
Plastic Canvas Heart
Pockets, designed by Ronda Bryce, THe Needlecraft Shop, 2005. 19 designs
using ready-made heart shapes. Brand new!
2 Available
$5.95 |
PN-832 |
Plastic Canvas Hat & Mitten
Coasters, designed by Terri Ricioli, Annie's, 2012. Worked on 7- mesh
plastic canvas. Brand new 2012 Release!
$5.95 |
PN-833 |
Plastic Canvas Can & Bottle
Cozies, designed by Gina Woods, Annie's, 2012. 7 designs worked on 7- mesh
plastic canvas: Heart, Watermelon, Cherries, Shamrock, Flag, Rainbow, and
Flower. Brand new 2012 Release!
4 Available
$5.95 |
PN-800 |
Plastic Canvas 52 Mini Motifs,
designed by Gina Woods, The Needlecraft Shop, 2006. Designs on 7- mesh include:
Moonrise, Corn on the Cob, Peas/Pod, Blueberries, Grape Jam Jar, Apple,
Cupcake, S'more, Rose Bowl, Wildflowers in Vase, Pink Bouquet, Mini Flowers,
Traditional Flowerpot, 3 Quilt Blocks, Clock, 3 Bottles, Fairy, Glass Slipper,
Bee, Valentine Cookie, Shamrock, Easter Bunny, Easter Basket, Easter Egg,
Firecracker, USA Heart, Beach Ball, Ghost, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Square, Pumpkin
Pie, Christmas Gifts, Gingerbread House, Snowman, Snowflake, Birthday Cake,
Wedding Rings, Bright Idea, Remembrance Ribbons, Gold Medal, Sunrise,
Rollerblade, Flip Flops, Diving Duck, Rubber Ducky, Baby in Blanket, Sugar
Bear, Bubble Bath, Paint Box, Submarine, Airplane, and Airmail.
Brand NEW!
$8.95 |
PN-791 |
Plastic Canvas Special Occasions
Gift Bag Toppers, designed by Deborah Arch, Annie's Attic, 2012. 13designs
worked on 7-mesh plastic canvas: Happy Birthday, Over The Hill, Woo Hoo,
Birthday Cake,Santa & Ho Ho Ho, Always & Forever, Easter Egg, Trickor
Treat, Diva, BFF, Be Mine & Hearts, Snowman, Baby's Onesie. Like new.
$7.99 |
PN-792 |
Plastic Canvas Towel Toppers,
designed by Deborah Scheblein, Annie's, 2012. Dress, Cupcake, and teapot worked
on 7-mesh plastic canvas. Brand New 2012 Release!
2 Available
$5.95 |
PN-793 |
Plastic Canvas Learn- A- Stitch Bag
Holder, designed by Judy Crow, Annie's, 2012. 7 new stitch patterns worked
on 7-mesh plastic canvas. Brand New 2012 Release!
$5.95 |
PN-794 |
Plastic Canvas Easy To Stitch Tissue
Boxes, Annie's, 2010. Quilt- inspired Neon Bursts and Dazzling Dahlia for
boutique size tissue box, worked on 7-mesh plastic canvas.
Brand NEW!
2 Available
$5.95 |
PN-795 |
Tea Lights in Plastic Canvas,
designed by Terry Ricioli, Annie's, 2012. Lighthouse, Owls, Oake Leaf, and Bird
Silhouette worked on 7-mesh plastic canvas. Brand
New 2012 Release!
$5.95 |
PN-773 |
4 x 4 Truck, designed by
Veronica Altman, Annie's Attic, 2011. Stitched on 7- mesh. Finished size:
12-3/4" long! Brand NEW!
$5.99 |
PN-702 |
Hummingbirds, designed by Carole
Rodgers, Annie's Attic, 2011. Tissue box and coaters & holder in 7- mesh.
Brand NEW!
$5.99 |
PN-703 |
Plastic Canvas Liquid Soap
Covers, The Needlecraft Shop, 2008. Designs on 7- mesh include: Penguin,
Garden, Under the Sea, Wave of Colors, Busy Bees, Lighthouse, Townhouse, Just
Ducky, and Bath Cabinet. Brand NEW! but
may smell slightly of cigarette smoke.
$6.95 |
PN-704 |
Plastic Canvas Fun Frames,
designed by Marry Nell Wall, The Needlecraft Shop, 2004. 11 fanciful frames for
special photgraphs on 7 mesh and trimmed with buttons, beads, charms, etc.
Brand NEW! but may smell slightly of
cigarette smoke.
$6.95 |
PN-549 |
Plastic Canvas Stitch
Encyclopedia, The Needlecraft Shop, 2003. Photos, graphs, and detailed
instructions for over 50 stitches. Brand NEW!
$7.95 |
PN-673 |
Plastic Canvas Everyday Bookmarks
, designed by Janelle Giese, The Needlecraft Shop, 2007. 14 designs on
7-mesh plastic canvas include: Cats, Dogs, Horses, Victorian, Cookies, Chef,
Pouring Tea, Tulip, Pansy, Daisy, Butterfly, Bee, Ladybug, and Cottage.
Brand new!
$7.95 |
General Plastic Canvas, Page
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Annie's International Plastic
Canvas Club
Please note: More
plastic canvas items can be seen on the following pages:
How To: Plastic

Angels Christmas
Santas Toys Villages/Railroads Play
Purses, Bags, & Totes
Fashion Doll
Clothing Fashion Doll
Plants & Flowers Birds
Baby Dolls 18"