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General Plastic Canvas, Page 2

Updated 5 February 2025
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        Please note that these publications come from various sources, and may have been stored in a smoking environment. Some are brand-new, most are used; age and condition vary from near-mint recent publications to not-so-hot well-used editions. I'll try to note obvious defects, but may miss something. First come, first served, and all patterns sold "as is."

        Unless otherwise noted, I have only one of each publication. Due to copyright laws, I can only sell patterns in the form in which they are published -- no photocopies, scans, pdf's, etc.

       Please Email me with any questions before ordering. I'll be adding to the list periodically, so if you're looking for something special, keep checking back! Shipping & Handling will be added to all orders, as well as 6% sales tax for MI residents. Outside of the US -- please Email me before ordering!

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Annie's International Plastic Canvas Club

Please note: More plastic canvas items can be seen on the following pages:

 maroon diamond divider   How To: Plastic Canvas/Needlepoint    maroon diamond divider

 maroon diamond divider   Angels   maroon diamond divider   Christmas    maroon diamond divider   Santas   maroon diamond divider   Toys   maroon diamond divider   Villages/Railroads   maroon diamond divider   Play Food   maroon diamond divider

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General Plastic Canvas, Page 2:


Annie's lastic Canvas Cute Critters Note HoldersPlastic Canvas Cute Critters Note Holders, designed by Sue Penrod, Annie's, 2014. 3 designs using 7- mesh plastic canvas: Frog, Turtle, Worm. Brand New!

$6.95 SOLD

Craft Designs for You Plastic Canvas Snow Baby BlocksPlastic Canvas Snow Baby Blocks, designed by Cherie Marie Leck, Craft Designs for You, 2014. "Pattern Pack" with designs on 7- mesh: Red Bird, Bunny, Polar Bear, Penguin, and Reindeer. Brand New!


Craft Designs for You Plastic Canvas Amigurumi KittensPlastic Canvas Amigurumi Kittens, designed by Cherie Marie Leck, Craft Designs for You, 2014. "Pattern Pack" with designs on 7- mesh for two sizes kittens. Brand New!

$5.99 SOLD

TNS Plastic Canvas Gift Bag Toppers Plastic Canvas Gift Bag Toppers, designed by Cynthia Roberts, The Needlecraft Shop, 2004. Designs on 7- mesh include: Welcome, Just For You, For My Friend, Pretty Bow, Get Well Soon, Valentine, Baby, Happy Spring, Graduation, Bridal, Mom, Dad, Patriotic, Happy Birthday, For My Teacher. Brand new!


TNS Plastic Canvas Stitch & Stamp Plastic Canvas Stitch & Stamp, designed by Mary T. Cosgrove, The Needlecraft Shop, 2004. "Add a new look to your stitched canvas by embellishing with stamps." Includes Basic Stitching & Stamping Technique, and basic projects on 7- mesh: Coaster/ Holder and Gift Tag, Tissue Cover and Frame, Towel Topper - Frame - and Bookmark, Stenciled Stationery Holder and Stationery, Star Tote. Brand new!


TNS Plastic Canvas Something for Every Birdie Plastic Canvas Something for Every Birdie, designed by Janelle Giese, The Needlecraft Shop, 2005. Designs on 7- mesh include: Greek- Inspired Birdhouse, Gothic Birdhouse, Victorian Birdhouse, Post & Base for Standing Birdhouses, Birdhouse Clock, Bird Cottage Note Holder, Birdie House Tissue Cover, Birdie Magnets, Birdhouse Coaster Set, Birdhouse Key Holder. Brand new!

$7.95 SOLD

ASN Plastic Canvas Buttony BoxesPlastic Canvas Buttony Boxes, designed by Carol Wilson Mansfield, American School of Needlework, 1998. A "neighborhood" of houses worked on 7- mesh with button trims: Rose Covered Cottage box, Raise the Roof box, Quilt Coaster Cabin coasters & holder, Tissue Chateau, Steepled Stash box.

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TNS Plastic Canvas Stained Glass Mosaics Plastic Canvas Stained Glass Mosaics, designed by Sandra Miller Maxfield, The Needlecraft Shop, 2004. Designs stitched on black 7- mesh plastic canvas anddecorated with acrylic Mosaic Tiles include: Tree Ornament, Angel Bell Ornament, Flower Ornament, Crown Ornament, Angel Ornament, Bible Cover and Prayer Lamp, 5 Crosses, and Basket, Tissue Cover, and Fan. Brand new!

2 Available


ASN Plastic Canvas Boxes with Buttons & Beads Plastic Canvas Boxes with Buttons & Beads, designed by Carol Wilson Mansfield, American School of Needlework, 2005. 8 projects for 7- mesh include: Vintage Jewelry Box, Game Box, Button Box, Double- Deck Card Box, Memory Box, Photo Box, Art Box, and Fun After 50 Box. Brand new!

$7.95 SOLD

TNS Plastic Canvas Long Stitch Buddies Plastic Canvas Long Stitch Buddies, designed by Carolyn Manning, The Needlecraft Shop, 2004. 8 designs on 7- mesh include: Dress Up Bear, Ballerina Bunny, Butterfly Bear, Garden Bear, Baseball Buddy, Little Brother Bear, Clancy Clown, and Snow Buddy. Brand new!

2 Available


Annie's Attic Plastic Canvas Lighthouse Ocean View Plastic Canvas Lighthouse Ocean View, designed by Sandra Miller Maxfield, Annie's Attic, 2011. Lighthouse seascape stitched on 7- mesh plastic canvas. Brand new!

2 Available


TNS Plastic Canvas Mix & Match Around the House Plastic Canvas Mix & Match Around the House, designed by Janelle Giese, The Needlecraft Shop, 2005. Notepad Holder, Tissue Cover, and Tall and Short Boxes to mix and match with a variety of motifs: Heart, Leaf, Puppy, Grapes, Shells, Tools, Moon, Boat, Balloons, House, Car, Old- Fashioned Coffee Grinder, Daisy Squares, Sewing Machine, Apple, Plant & Trowel, Bear, Fish, Pear, Sun, Kitten, Coffee Cup, and Pink, Lavendar, and Coral Flower Motifs. Brand new!


THS Plastic Canvas Banks Plastic Canvas Banks, edited by Judy Crow, The Needlecraft Shop, 2008. 11 designs on 7-mesh plastic canvas include: Boy and Girl Baby Bottles, Rainy Day, Money Bank, Petunia Pig, playing card motif, Movie Money popcorn box, 2 Dinosaurs, Car, and Truck. Brand new! May have very slight cigarette smoke smell.

$6.95 SOLD

Annie's Attic Kitchen Magnets in Plastic Canvas Kitchen Magnets in Plastic Canvas, designed by Mary T. Cosgrove and Janelle Glese, Annie's Attic, 2012. Designs stitched on 7- mesh plastic canvas: Dairy Dudes (Milk, Butter, Eggs, and Cheese), and Happy Veggies (Corn, Tomato, and Carrot). Brand new 2012 Release!

4 Available


Annie's Attic Stars & Stripes in Plastic Canvas Stars & Stripes in Plastic Canvas, designed by Ronda Bryce and Christine Laws, Annie's Attic, 2012. Designs stitched on 7- mesh plastic canvas include: Wallet Key Chain, and Uncle Sam Shelf Sitter. Brand new 2012 Release!


Annie's Attic Plastic Canvas Strawberry Dollhouse & Furniture Plastic Canvas Strawberry Dollhouse & Furniture, designed by Janna Britton, Annie's Attic, 2012. 7-piece set stitched on 7- mesh plastic canvas includes: Dollhouse purse, Bed, Chair, and Table. Brand new 2012 Release!


Annie's Attic Plastic Canvas On-The-Go Tissue Toppers Plastic Canvas On- The- Go Tissue Toppers, designed by Darlene Neubauer, Annie's Attic, 2011. 5 designs with hidden matchign coasters stitched on 7- mesh plastic canvas: School Bus, Fire Engine, Locomotive, Ice Cream Truck, and Florist Van. Brand new 2011 Release!

$9.95 SOLD

Annie's Attic Plastic Canvas American EaglePlastic Canvas American Eagle, designed by Darla Fanton and Mary Layfield, Annie's Attic, 2010. Tissue box stitched on 7- mesh and Eagle Picture stitched on 10-mesh. Brand New 2010 Release! May smell slightly of cigarette smoke.


Annie's Attic Plastic Canvas Memo Pad Covers Plastic Canvas Memo Pad Covers, designed by Glenda Chamberlain, Annie's Attic, 2011. Designs on 7- mesh plastic canvas include: Peace, Love, Beelieve, Lucky Ladybug, Butterfly, I Love My Cat, I Love My Dog, Polka Dot, Born To Shop, Monogram, and Heart Memo Holder. Brand new!

3 Available


Annie's Attic Plastic Canvas Key Chain FramesPlastic Canvas Key Chain Frames, designed by Laura Oversby, Annie's Attic, 2010. Butterfly, Circle, Heart, Square, and Star frames stitched on 7- mesh plastic canvas. Brand new!

2 Available


Annie's Attic Plastic Canvas ButterfliesPlastic Canvas Butterflies, designed by Stephen Reedy, Annie's Attic, 2010. Designs for 7- mesh plastic canvas include: American Copper, Common Wood Nymph, Albulina Orbitulus, Pearly Eye, Great Purple Hairstreak, Papilio Memnon, Mountain Blue, Leptocircus Curius, and Necyria Bellona. Brand new!

$5.95 SOLD

TNS Plastic Canvas Towel Toppers Plastic Canvas Towel Toppers, designed by Rhonda Bryce, The Needlecraft Shop, 2004. 8 designs on 7- mesh plastic canvas include: Slice of Pizza, Citrus Flower, Sunflower, Fruit of the Vine, Honey Do, Ice Cream Shop, Pot of Tea, and Kitchen Apron. Brand new!


TNC Plastic Canvas Towen Toppers Around the Home Plastic Canvas Towel Toppers Around the Home, designed by Ronda Bryce, The Needlecraft Shop, 2008. 8 designs inlcude: Eau de Parfum, Bath Powder, Salt, Pepper, His, Hers, Honey, & Apple. Hand or dish towels fold in half over ribbon and under topper. Brand New!


Jeanette Crews Designs Plastic Canvas Potpourri HoldersPlastic Canvas Potpourri Holders, designed by Conn Baker Gibney, Jeanette Crews Designs, Inc. Designs on 7- mesh include: Lighthoused, Watermelon, Piece of Cake, Sealife Pyramid, Cherry Pie, Hot Air Balloon, Birdhouse, Dice, Cat- Nip Mouse, Tropical Fish, Book of Love, and Butterfly Prism. Brand new!


TNS Plastic Canvas Home Sweet Home Doorstops & BookendsPlastic Canvas Home Sweet Home Doorstops & Bookends, designed by Carol Wilson Mansfield, The Needlecraft Shop, 2006. 6 brick covers to keep your doors open and books upright! worked on 7- mesh plastic canvas. Brand new!

$6.95 SOLD

TNS Plastic Canvas Book HooksPlastic Canvas Book Hooks, designed by Lee Lindeman, The Needlecraft Shop, 2003. Designs on 7- mesh plastic canvas include: Cat, Bluebird, Owl, Bookworm, Apple, Ice Cream Cone, Bunny, Teacup, Bear, Tulip, Cross, Reindeer, and two Ornaments. Brand new!


TNS Plastic Canvas Flights of FancyPlastic Canvas Flights of Fancy, designed by Vicki Blizzard and Kathleen Hurley, The Needlecraft Shop, 2005. 11 Birds (& butterflies) worked on 7- mesh plastic canvas: Tissue Topper, Bluebird Treasure Box, Cardinal & Butterfly picture, Bluebird Ornament, 3 bird magnets (sparrow & 2 chickadees), Butterfly Wall Pocket, Chickadee Door Hanger, and Butterfly, Humming Bird, & Chickadee plant pokes. Like new, but may smell faintly of fabric softener sheet.


TNS Plastic Canvas Fly SwattersPlastic Canvas Fly Swatters, designed by Terry Ricioli, The Needlecraft Shop, 2005. 14 designs worked on 7- mesh plastic canvas: Strawberries, Flower Pot, Garden Glove, Sun, Spider, Quilt, Queen of Hearts, Moon & Star, Mountains, Camouflage, Trout, Frog, Cow, and Birdhouse. Brand new!


Annie's Attic Plastic Canvas Dress-up Magnets Plastic Canvas Dress-up Magnets, designed by Alinda Macor, Annie's Attic, 2010. 2 dresses, a Shorts Outfit, and a Pants outfit stitched on 7- mesh plastic canvas. Brand new!

2 Available


Annie's Attic Plastic Canvas Squeezies Plastic Canvas Squeezies, designed by Arlene Engeriser and Sandra Miller Maxfield, Annie's Attic, 2011. 9 designs on 7- mesh plastic canvas to hold treats: Angel, Elf, Pilgrim Man & Woman, Mouse, Bunny, Frog, Duck, and Fish Brand new 2011 Release!

Details & Ordering

Annie's Attic Plastic Canvas Table Runners & More Plastic Canvas Table Runners & More, designed by Ronda Bryce, Annie's Attic, 2010. 4 unique table runners with matching coaster sets. Brand NEW!

$6.95 SOLD

TNS Plastic Canvas Bazaar Bestsellers Plastic Canvas Bazaar Bestsellers, edited by Cathy Mullins, The Needlecraft Shop, 2008. Spiral- bound hardcover book with over 60 designs, in three categories: Year Round Bazaar, Designs to Make in a Day, and Holiday Bazaar. There are coasters, ornaments, frames, unsual tissue holders, boxes, eyeglass cases, napkin & towel holders, recipe card holders, totes, ID holders, fridgies, pins, and all kinds of holiday ornaments, treat holders, welcome signs, pins, etc. Another great book! Brand NEW!

$24.95 SOLD

NOTE: Extra postage may be required for orders outside of the US.


TNS Plastic Canvas Southwest Tissue CoversPlastic Canvas Southwest Tissue Covers, designed by Carolyn Christmas, The Needlecraft Shop, 2002. 7 designs in longstitch worked on 7- mesh plastic canvas (reprint of 1991 book, below). New.

2 Available


TNS Plastic Canvas Southwest Tissue CoversPlastic Canvas Southwest Tissue Covers, designed by Carolyn Christmas, The Needlecraft Shop, 1991. 7 designs in longstitch worked on 7- mesh plastic canvas - original publication of above. Like new.


TNS Plastic Canvas Motif Mania Plastic Canvas Motif Mania, designed by Mary Nell Wall, The Needlecraft Shop, 2003. Designs on 7- mesh include: Basket, Be Mine, ot of Gold, Erin go Bragh, Shamrock, Easter Egg, Cross, USA, Liberty Bell, A+, Chalkboard, Pencil, Pumpkin Witch, Ghost, Witchy Moon, Dove, Santa, Reindeer, HoHoHo, Tulip, Flower Pitcher, Pocket of Pansies, Cardinal Ladybug, Butterflies, Bumblebee, Hummningbird, Dolphin, Beehive, Whale, Dragonfly, Cherry Pie, Popsicle, Bhili Pepper, Washboard, You Want it When?, Scissors, Work is a 4- Letter Word, Arrow, Crisis, Miniature Frames, "Great," "Proud", "Terrific," "Good Job," Life Preserver, Anchor, Compass, Kite, Balloon, Dogs/ Cats, Fire Hydrant, Moon, Teacup, Phone, Fishbowl, Cupcake, Ice Cream Cone, Seashells, Firecrackers, Framed Heart. Very good condition.


Annie's Attic Plastic Canvas Mini Tissue CoversPlastic Canvas Mini Tissue Covers, designed by Ronda Bryce, Annie's Attic, 20009. 8 designs worked on 7- mesh plastic canvas: God Bless You, Achoo, Cherries & Stripes, Gingham, Bumblebee, Butterfly, Watermelon, and Fall Leaves. Brand new!

$7.95 SOLD

Annie's Attic Plastic Canvas Jar WrapsPlastic Canvas Jar Wraps, designed by Debra Arch, Annie's Attic, 2010. 8 easy- to- stitch designs fit around quart jars: Happy Birthday, Bake It Up, Sewing Notions, Best Friends, Tea, Merry Christmas, Beach Money, and Nails Jar. Brand new!

3 Available


TNS lastic Canvas Big Book of Tissue Toppers Plastic Canvas Big Book of Tissue Toppers, edited by Judy Crow, The Needlecraft Shop, 2009. Hardcover book with over four dozen designs, in six categories: Holiday, Animals, Florals, Long Stitch, Quilt Look, and Potpourri. Some are traditional squares and rectangles, but there are also houses, a Santa with matching coasters that slip into holders on the side, a golf tee game with storage drawer, an adorable bear head, a desktop caddy, a watermelon slice, a vanity tray, a Hot Pink Purse, an Alligator, and more. This is a great pattern book! Brand NEW!

2 Available


NOTE: Extra postage may be required for orders outside of the US.


TNS 401 Plastic Canvas Itty Bitties401 Plastic Canvas Itty Bitties, edited by Vicki Blizzard, The Needlecraft Shop, 2005. Hardcover book featuring projects 25 holes square or smaller, for ornaments, magnets, gift tags, coasters, etc. Categories include: Critters, Florals, Girls, Holidays, Minis (including quilt blocks and abstract motifs), Babies, By the Sea, Munchies, Boys' Toys, and This & That. Lots of fun designs! Slight cover wear, but otherwise excellent condition.


NOTE: Extra postage may be required for orders outside of the US.


Annie's Attic Plastic Canvas Five- Hour Animal Baskets Plastic Canvas Five- Hour Animal Baskets, designed Janna Britton, Annie's Attic, 2010. Dog, Bunny, and Chick on 7- Mesh plastic canvas. Brand NEW!

3 Available


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Annie's International Plastic Canvas Club

Please note: More plastic canvas items can be seen on the following pages:

 maroon diamond divider   How To: Plastic Canvas/Needlepoint    maroon diamond divider

 maroon diamond divider   Angels   maroon diamond divider   Christmas    maroon diamond divider   Santas   maroon diamond divider   Toys   maroon diamond divider   Villages/Railroads   maroon diamond divider   Play Food   maroon diamond divider

 maroon diamond divider   Purses, Bags, & Totes    maroon diamond divider    Fashion Doll Clothing   maroon diamond divider   Fashion Doll Furniture   maroon diamond divider

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