Thread Crochet: Grama's Favorites (pre 1969),
Page 5:
GS-7300 |
Woman's Day Booklet 1951: Things to
Crochet For the Home, Women's Day, 1951. 65- page book with designs
including: Prize- Winning Buffet Set, Informal Luncheon Cloth, Tweed Filet
Woven Afghan, Cluster- Stitch Centerpiece, Filet and Lacet Tablecloth, Nosegay
Doily, Diamond Star Doily, Wheel-Design Doily, Sunflower Doily, Windmill Doily,
Popcorn Star Doily, Sunburst Doily, 4H Prize- Winning Doily, Finger- Bowl
Doily, Pineapple Motif, Classic Luncheon Set ( placemat and napkin edgings),
Diamond- Chain Chair Set (Chair Back and Armpiece), Star Vanity Set (3 sizes
doilies), Spiderweb Doily Set (2 sizes), Waffle Design Chair Set, Filet Tray
Cloth, Geometric Place Mat, Place Mat of Medallions, and 28 Edgings and
Insertions for Lingerie and Household Linens. Small bent bottom corners in last
15 pages of book, but overall very good condition.
$6.99 |
GS-6908 |
Star Book No. 1: Star Book of
Crochet Designs, designs by Anne Orr, American Thread Company, 1935.
Projects include: Colomial Star Luncheon Set, Cosmos Luncheon Cloth, Iris
Luncheon Set, Victorian and Small Alphabets, Chair Sets and Alphabet, Wheel
Spread, opcorn Star Spread, Diamond Table Set, Square Vanity Set, Dainty New
Edgings, Simple Crochet Edgings, Two Luncheon Sets, Iris Luncheon Set, Fruit
Basket Luncheon Set, Chippendale Luncheon Set, Bargello Bag, Round White Purse,
Irish Crochet Collar, String of Pearl Collar, Leaf Design Collar, Collar and
Jabot, Cosmos Luncheon Cloth, Cosmos Spread, Fringes and Tassels. Very good
vintage condition.
$8.99 |
GS-4110 |
Star Book No. 18: Star Book of 100
Edgings -- Crocheted - Tatted - Knitted, American Thread Company, 1942.
Some gorgeous edgings and insertions, as well as edgings for altar cloths and
robes. Some page yellowing, but otherwise good vintage condition.
$5.99 |
GS-7277 |
Star Book No. 19: Star Book For The
Home - Crocheted - Knitted - Tatted, American Thread Company, 1942. KNIT
Chair Set; CROCHET Needlepoint crochet, 2 Chair Sets, Daisy Motif Runner,
Crochet Doily, Tatted Doily, Doily, Cluny Design Scarf/ Runner, Tatted Scarf/
Runner, Porch Set (place mats in cotton yarn), Lacy Table Cloth, Daisy Lunch
Cloth, Filet and Popcorn Bedspread, Bridge Set (Napkins, Cloth, Coasters),
Luncheon Set (Placemat, Napkins, Runner. Glass Cozy), Cross Stitch Rug (yarn),
Crocheted Rug with Tufted Edge (yarn), Huck Towel Edge, Crochet Trimmed Turkish
Towel, Crocheted Flower Basket, Hot Plate Mats, Popcorn Oval Hot Plate Mats.
Very good condition.
$8.99 |
GS-6464 |
Star Book No. 27: Star Pearl Cotton
Book, American Thread Company, nd (ca 1940's). KNIT Lightweight Child's
Sweater, Little Sister Dress in Knit, Gloves; CROCHET Baby Set (Sweater,
Dwarfs' Cap, & Booties), Little Sister Dress in Crochet, Elephant, Ball,
Doll, 2 Doilies, Luncheon Set and Dinner Cloth, Luncheon Cloth, 4 Potholders,
Hot Plate Mats, 2 Bags, Gloves, Star Stitch Vest, Heart "Gadget",
Acorn "Gadget". Page yellowing, piece missing from back cover that
does not affect the patterns. May smell slightly musty.
$5.99 |
GS-734 |

Star Book No. 30: Tatted &
Crocheted Designs, American Thread Company, 1944. Lace doilies, edgings,
gorgeous tatted baby cap, place settings, collars, etc. Full how-to
instructions for tatting. Pages yellowed, but book otherwise in very good
2 Available
$5.99 |
GS-6909 |
Star Book No. 41: Edgings
(Copyrighted), American Thread Company, 1946. Nice variety of crochet,
tatted, and knit edgings. Pages very yellowed; cover quite worn.
$4.99 |
GS-4671 |
Star Book No. 45: Treasure Chest of
Crochet, American Thread Company, 1946. ORIGINAL publicaton. Designs
include: Maple Leaf placemats and centerpiece, Tatted Doily, Spider Web Doily,
Luncheon Set, Buffet Scarf, Antimacassars (Chair Back and Arm sets), Purital
Bedspread, Cathedral Windows tablecloth, Charleston Garden afghan (worsted
weight yarn), Carnatians, 5 curtain pulls, Hot Plate Mats, and Sugar Spun
Flower Basket. May have paper clip indentations in some pages, but overall very
good vintage condition.
2 Available
$5.99 |
GS-4671r |
Star Book No. 45: Treasure Chest of
Crochet, originally published by American Thread Company in 1946, but this
is a REPRODUCTION by Timeless Publications, 1993. Designs include: Maple Leaf
placemats and centerpiece, Tatted Doily, Spider Web Doily, Luncheon Set, Buffet
Scarf, Antimacassars (Chair Back and Arm sets), Purital Bedspread, Cathedral
Windows tablecloth, Charleston Garden afghan (worsted weight yarn), Carnatians,
5 curtain pulls, Hot Plate Mats, and Sugar Spun Flower Basket. Price tag
smudges on cover, but otherwise like new.
$6.99 |
GS-735 |

Star Book No. 46: Chair Backs,
American Thread Company, probably late '40's. Chair back and arm sets --
crochted, knitted, and tatted. Book in excellent condition.
$5.99 |
GS-5826 |
Star Book No. 49: New Table
Designs, American Thread Company, 1946. Designs include: Sunday Night
Supper appliqued place mats, Bridal Shower Irish Rose & Leaf Scarfs, Oval
Tea Set, Raised Filet Tablecloth, Tatted Placemat & Napkin Edging set, Mary
Mary Child's Luncheon Set with cross- stitched sunbonnet girls, Woven Luncheon
Set, Four- Piece Cluster Stitch Set, and Four Piece Filet Luncheon Set with
full alphabet for monogramming. Shows some wear, but overall very good
condition. May smell slightly of cigarette smoke.
$5.99 |
GS-4929 |
Star Book No. 57: New
Tablecloths, American Thread Company, 1948. Flower- inspired designs
include: Poinsettia Lily of the Valley , Pond Lily, Tulip, Rose Filet,
Chrysanthemum, and Daisy Tableclotha; and Carnation, Daffodil, and
Philodendron, Luncheon Sets. Cover torn up and down to staples at seam, but
overall very good condition.
$6.99 |
GS-4111 |
Star Book No. 61: Handkerchief
Edgings, American Thread Company, 1948. Very good condition.
$6.99 |
GS-4111b |
Star Book No. 61: Handkerchief
Edgings, American Thread Company, 1948. Overall wear, two holes punched for
storage in binding, some small tan spots on a few pages, Everything is here and
$5.99 |
GS-3486 |
Star Book No. 65: Flower Edgings
, American Thread Company, 1949. Edgings and insertions for
"Handkerchiefs, Tablecloths, Towels, Scarfs, Sheets & Cases, Luncheion
Sets, Lingerie," along with a set of glass coasters. Most have a floral
motif, but there is one Flower Girl insertion, and also a gorgeous Butterfly
insertion. Age wear to cover; tear about 2" up spine -- otherwise, very
good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-8026 |
Star Book No. 68: Spreads That Are
Different, American Thread Company, 1949. Designs include: Shell and
Popcorn, Pansy Spread, Cinderella, Snow White, Flower Queen, Sleeping Beauty
Bed or Crib Ruffle, Prince Charming. Cover ripped up to 1st staple at spine,
has been folded lengthwise, nicks and tears on some pages. Everything is here
and readable, though.
$5.99 |
GS-4168 |
Star Book No. 74: Fair and Bazaar
Suggestions, American Thread Company, 1950. Pilllow Case edgings &
insertions, Doilies, Pin cushions, Handkerchief edgings & insertions,
appliques for towels, Hot Plate Mat, dress for 8" baby doll, New Orleans
doll door stop. May have name on first page, but otherwise very good vintage
2 Available
$5.99 |
GS-4112 |
Star Book No. 78: Television and
Radio Scarfs, American Thread Company, 1950. Motif designs that can be used
for runners, tablecloths, chair covers, etc. Cover ripped torn a couple of
inches up and down at spine, name written in pencil on cover. Otherwise, very
good condition.
$4.99 |
GS-4113 |
Star Book No. 80: Gay and Gifty
Ideas, American Thread Company, 1951. Designs include: Rose Doily, Pansy
Handkerchief, Plate Edging, Forget - Me- Not Handkerchief, Carnation, Doll
Outfit (7 inch doll), Nut Cup & Saucer, Apple Blosssom Corsage,
Chrysanthemum, Daisy Corsage, Hot Plat Mts or Covers, Tea Cozy, Corn Pot
Holder, Terry Cloth Laundry Bag, Rose Pot Holder, Hosiery Hanger, and Plant
Holder. Some slightly "dog- eared" upper edges, but otherwise
excellent vintage condition.
$6.99 |
GS-4113b |
Star Book No. 80: Gay and Gifty
Ideas, American Thread Company, 1951. Designs include: Rose Doily, Pansy
Handkerchief, Plate Edging, Forget - Me- Not Handkerchief, Carnation, Doll
Outfit (7 inch doll), Nut Cup & Saucer, Apple Blosssom Corsage,
Chrysanthemum, Daisy Corsage, Hot Plat Mts or Covers, Tea Cozy, Corn Pot
Holder, Terry Cloth Laundry Bag, Rose Pot Holder, Hosiery Hanger, and Plant
Holder. SERIOUS CONDITION PROBLEMS: Back cover/last page partially gone --
instructions for half of Plant Holder and Tea Cozy MISSING. If you are an
experienced crocheter, you may be able to figure out the missing section, but
I'd suggest if you are interested in making these two patterns, do NOT buy this
$4.99 |
GS-4114 |
Star Book No. 81: Edgings --
Crocheted - Tatted - Hairpin Lace, American Thread Company, 1951. Very good
$5.99 |
GS-4115 |
Star Book No. 100: The Famous
Puritan Crochet Book, American Thread Company, 1953. Patterns include:
Round and Hot Plate Mats, Basket, Grape Doily, Calla Lily Ruffled Doily,
Potholder, Glass Jacket, Place Mat & Napkin Older, Crocheted Popcorn
bedspread, Cathedral WIndow tablecloth or bedspread (also good for scarfs and
chairbacks), 2 Chair Back Sets, Buffet Set, Pineapple Pincushion, and Grape
Bottle Cap Hot Plate Mat. Some wear, but overall very good vintage
2 Available
$5.99 |
GS-4670 |
Star Book No. 102: Handkerchief
Edgings - Crocheted, Tatted, Hairpin Lace, American Thread Company, 1953.
Very good condition.
$6.99 |
GS-5182 |
Star Book No. 105: Crocheted
Chairbacks, Church Laces, Shade Pulls, American Thread Company, 1954. Chair
sets: Pansy or Grape, Fan, Bird Filet, Pineapple, Popcorn Stitch, Spider Lace,
and Rose Filet; Church laces: Rose, Grape and Chalace, Cross Chair Set; and
Puff Stitch, Tassel, Triangle, Pineapple, and Cluster Stitch Fan Pulls. Scar on
cover, cover ripped at spine up and down to first staples, age spots on some
$5.99 |
GS-4116 |
Star Book No. 114: The Famous
Puritan Crochet Book, American Thread Company, ca 1953. Patterns include:
Star Spangled Ruffled Doily, Star and Picot DOily, Modern Motif Chair Set,
Crocheted Gloves, Easy Stitch KNITTED Blouse, the Quickly Made Crocheted
Blouse, Shade Pulls, 2 elegant dolls (7"), Pearl Encrusted Hat & Bag,
Hairpin Lace Stole, Carry- All Case, Slippers, Fold- Away Cloche and Bag,
KNITTED Doily, Regimental Striped Luncheon Set, Pink and Silver Spangled
Bedspread, Gold and Silver Spangled Tablecloth, Collar, Belt, Chair Set for
Modern Homes, Pansy Doily, and Butterfly Stole. Yarn shop stamp on cover, but
overall very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-6555 |
Star Book No. 121: Crochet
Suggestions for Fairs and Bazaars, American Thread Company, n.d. (probably
early 1950's). Patterns include: Black Modern Potholder, Rubber Ring Hot Plate
Mat, Pillow Cases (Peacock, Bluebirds, Yellow and White Flowers, Cameo Girl,
Basket), Applique Basket and Edgings, Butterfly Corner, Red and White
Handkerchief Edging, Ruffled Pondlily Doily, Pineapple Pincushion, Place Mats,
Rambler Rose Doily, Overall wear, folded vertically -- good used condition.
$5.99 |
GS-5598 |
Star Book No. 132: The Famous
Puritan Crochet Book III, American Thread Company, n.d. but ca 1954.
Patterns include: KNIT Blouse; CROCHET Big Round Tablecloth, Drawstring Blouse,
Great Big Crocheted Bag, Lacy TV Lamp, Round and Square Pillows, Pansy Doily,
Daisy Doily, Three Way Doily (in three sizes), All American Crocheted
Bedspread, Junior Hi (7 - 8" doll dress, bolero, & hat), Dog - Cat -
Clown Bottle Covers; More Three Way Doilies, The Puritan Bedspread, Maorette
Doll (7 - 8"), Puritan Crocheted Tablecloth. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
GS-4117 |
Star Book No. 179: Doilies,
Tablecloths, Bedspreads, Edgings, American Thread Company, ca early 1960's.
Digest- size book. Checkmarks on one page, but otherwise very good
$5.99 |
GS-5190 |
Star Book No. 200: Crochet,
American Thread Company, nd. Digest- size book with patterns for ladies' Shell
& Skirt, Tablecloth, Beehive Canister Covers & Pincushion, Coasters
(Round, Grape, Pear). ladies' Crocheted Blouse, Bedspread, Soily, Thread
Flowers/ Flower Pillow, Tissue Cover, 3 sizes covers for hot mats, Daffodil
Neclkace, Bracelet, & Earrings; and Beach Bag. Phone number in margin of
one page. Otherwise, very good vintage condition.
$5.99 |
GS-6188 |
Star Book No. 217: Crochet
Firsts, American Thread Company, nd. Digest- size book. Two KNIT patterns:
Sleeveless Shell and Knitted Blouse. CROCHET: Story Book Dress for little
girls, Knitting Needle Case, Hot Plate Mats, Flower Power (Rose, Sunflower)
Potholders, Luncheon Mat, Fiesta Cloth, Shell Stitch Jacket, Scroll Tablecloth,
Hairpin Lace Shell, Flower Placemat & Petal Coaster, Irish Crochet Roses
& Shamrocks Bedspread, Doily, Hairpin Lace Doily, Tote, Pineapple Chair
Set, and Pineapple Tea Apron. Some wear and tear, but overall very good
condition for its age.
$6.99 |
GS-5191 |
Star Book No. 224: Tablecloths &
Bedspreads, American Thread Company, nd. Digest- size book. Designs
include: Round and Round, Windmill, Oval, and Pineapple tablecloths; and Snow
White, Peach Tree Street, All American , and the Puritan bedspreads. Some cover
wear, but pages feel like the book has never been opened.
$5.99 |
Thread Crochet: Grama's
Favorites (pre-1969) * Page
2 * Page
3 * Page
4 * Page 5
Crochet * Thread Crochet: Just
Doilies * Crochet
Jewelry * Collars