Thread Crochet, Page
Lace Net Embroidery/Net Darning NOTE: The
graphs for these designs might possibly be adapted for filet crochet,
cross-stitch, needlepoint, or plastic canvas.
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Fantasy Magazine
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Crochet Magazine
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Crochet Magazine-- A variety of items crocheted in thread, with
symbol crochet.
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Magic Crochet Magazine -- about 90% thread
crochet, with symbol crochet.
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PA-002 |
Rose Bookmark, Annie's Quick & Easy
Crochet To Go!, April-May 1998.
$7.99 |
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PA-005 |
Rose Sachets, Annie's Crochet Newsletter,
May-June 1996.
$7.99 |
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PA-006 |
Spiral Rose Tablecloth
$14.99 |
& Ordering |
PA-003 |
Rose Tablecloth
$9.95 |
& Ordering |
ET-002 |
Friendship Quilt Jar Topper
$1.50 |
& Ordering |
Thread Crochet Potholders
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GS-8222 |
Learn to Cro-Tat, Annie's, 2016.
Includes hook with rings on the shaft to help measure picots plus instruction
book with three projects to make with size 10 cotton thread. Brand New 2016 Release!
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GS-6907 |
Learn Needle Tatting Step- By-
Step, by Barbara Foster, Handy Hands, Inc., 1998. Projects include: Hanky
Edging, Large Butterfly, Bookmark or Towel, Note Card, Collar or Doily Edging,
Pillowcase Edging, Medallion and Holly. BRAND
& Ordering |
GS-6833 |
Learn How to Cro- Tat the Easy
Way, designed by Elizabeth Ann White, Annie's Attic, 2001. Combines classic
crochet and tatting techniques; full how- to plus 9 projects: Basic Flower,
Coaster, Bookmark, Towel Set, Doilies, and Baskets.
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Ordering |
GS-1559 |
Crochet Bridal Bear, designed by
Jerie Stephens, The Needlecraft Shop, 2000. Crochet an heirloom-quality wedding
ensemble from size 30 and size 10 crochet cotton for a 13" plush bear.
& Ordering |
GS-978 |
Annie's Attic Sunbonnet Sachets
& Fridgies, designed by Esther Quirole, Annie's Attic, 2007. 7 matching
sachets & fridgies (could also be used as Christmas ornaments!) worked in
size 10 crochet cotton and embellished with ribbons, roses, and craft doll
hair. Like new.
& Ordering |
GS-7466 |
Pineapple Pagentry Bowl,
designed by Della Bieber, 2015. Make a beautiful bowl out of a crocheted doily!
$6.99 |
GS-7423 |
Lace Bird Cages, designed by
Tammy Hildebrand, Maggie's Crochet, 2009. 5 designs. BRAND NEW!
$7.99 |
GS-7424 |
Wonderful Words of Life Vol. 1,
designed by VIvian Floy Smith, Yesterdazes, 2012, Charted designs for filet
crochet include: Books of the New Testament, Sweet Hour of Prayer, How Great
Thou Art, Standing on the Promises, BRAND NEW!
$7.99 |
GS-6888 |
Filet Table Runners, designed by
Joyce Geisler, Leisure Arts, 2013. 8 CHARTED filet crochet designs include:
Picket Fence, Chain Links, Diamonds, Hearts & Lace, Sawtooth Stars, Stars
& Stripes, Ziggy Zaggy, Pretty Pattern. BRAND NEW
$9.99 |
GS-6889 |
150 Favorite Crochet Designs,
edited by Mary Carolyn Waldrep, Dover Needlework Series, 1995 (new reprint).
Crochet designs selected from thread company booklets popular during the first
half of the 20th Century. Includes: DOILIES -- Melody Doily, Rose Window
Dresser Set, Motifs (Etude, Sonata, Symphony), Wedgewood Doily, Variable Star
Runner, Eldorado Doily Set, Fantasy Flower Doily, Tea Time Tray Mat, Waltz Time
Doily, Lovely Medallions (Pilot Wheel, Garden Maze, Whirling Wheel, Shell
motifs), Peacock Buffet Scarf, Star and Mesh Table Scarf, Round Rose Doily,
Sunburst Runner, Checks With A Delicate Air Doily Set, Fair and Square Vanity
Set, Eagle and Motto Runner, Daisy Chair Set, Snowflake Chair Set, Cluny
-- Filet Tray Mat, Fern Tablecloth, Orchid Filet Tablecloth, Cobweb Lace
Tablecloth, Fantasy Medallion, Square Dance Medallion, Bright Star Medallion,
Peacock Parade Cloth (filet), Thistle Tablecloth, Rose Filet Luncheon Set,
Wheel of Fortune Tablecloth, Round the Corner Tablecloth, Gramercy Square
Luncheon Set, Wheel of Fortune Tablecloth, Filet Luncheon Set, Round the Corner
Tablecloth, Blazing Star Supper Cloth, Tea Cloth, Argyle Filet Cloth, Malta
Tablecloth, Hospitality Tablecloth, X Marks the Spot Lunchoen Cloth, Main Line
Tablecloth, Briar Rose Runner and Tablecloth, Open House Cloth, Floral Classic
Tablecloth; BEDSPREADS -- Greenbrier Bedspread, Serenade, Rondelay, Colonel's
Lady, Idyll, Queen Anne's Lace, Lucky Star, Vespers, Sunnyside, Old Louisiana,
Pomp and Circumstance, Filet Beauty, Butterfly Bows Bedspread, Twinkle Stars
Bedspread, Lace Valentine Bedspread, Crinoline, Georgianna; EDGINGS -- a
variety of laces, insertions, corners, and filets. BRAND NEW!
$12.99 |
Note: Additional postage may be required for
shipping outside the US. |
GS-6631 |
Crochet World Presents Fun With
Color in Thread, Crochet World Magazine, 2014. The majority of these
projects are worked in crochet cotton but there are several also in various
yarn weights: (yarn items marked with *): Octagon Doily, Flower Webs Table
Topper, Inspirational Doily, Gardenias in Bloom Doily, Spring Violets Doily,
Shooting Star Pineapple Doily, Easy Summertime Doilies, rt Deco Shawl*, Chevron
Lattice Sweater*, Via Condotti Jacket*, Sunset Shawl*, Fashion Tunic,
Delightful Diagonals*, Coral Top*, Chain Stitch Necklace, Button
Necklace, Funky Bag*, Carousel Bag*, Crochet Earrings, Irish Filigree
Necklace, Azure Scallops Bag, Pistachio Bag, Grandma's Flowers Doily,
Pineapple Dishcloth, Delicate Edgings, Pitcher Cover*, Sunshine Lace Dishcloth,
Interlocking Rings Potholder, Green Lantern Potholder, Go Green Shopping Tote*,
Pretty Hanger Cover & Sachet, Flower Garden Walkway Pillowcase Edging,
Pinwheel Coaster, Pineapple Swirl Runner, Rainbow of Ripples Baby Afghan*,
Child's Lacy Jacket*, Summer Breeze Pillowcse Sundress, Itty Bitty Animals, and
Mile- A- Minute Edging. BRAND NEW 2014 RELEASE!
3 Available
$9.99 |
GS-6627 |
Simply Beautiful Thread Crochet to
Wear, Coats & Clark, 2012. Instructions in both written and symbol
crochet using a variety of crochet cotton sizes include: Featherweight Wrap,
Doilies & Denim, Trellis Tunic (bamboo yarn), Lacy Leaf Earrings, Bead It!,
Nautical Necklace, Flowering Necklace, Swingy Sundress, Chic & Simple Belt
(cotton yarn), Aetful Accessories (2 necklaces & earrings), Floaty Fall
Scarf, Magnificent Motifs dress, Stones & Stitches Necklace, Lacy Grannies
bracelet & bookmark.
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Ordering |
GS-6609 |
Simply Beautiful Thread Crochet For
the Home, Coats & Clark, 2012. Instructions in both written and symbol
crochet using a variety of crochet cotton sizes include: Lacy Frames, Let It
Snow Doily, The Art of Lace Doily/ Wall Art, Sunburst Bowls, Beaded Basket,
Lacy River Rocks, Sweet Sachets, Luxe Lacy Pillows, Graphic Lace Curtain,
Sweethearts, Lovely Dishcloths, Filagree Bowl, Tea for Two Teapot and Cup and
Saucer set, Coaster Comeback, Dinner Party Napkins, Falling Leaves Runner, Ring
Coasters, Pepped- Up Placemats. BRAND NEW!
$14.95 |
GS-6211 |
The Go- To Book For Irish Crochet
Motifs, designed by Kathryn White, Annie's, 2013. Lovely vintage Irish
crochet motifs, as well as original designs, rewritten in a way that makes
sense to the modern day crocheter. 100+ stunning motifs, edgings, and
insertions, plus fill- in lace and tips on putting it all together. BRAND NEW 2013 RELEASE!
2 Available
$14.95 |
GS-5707 |
Garden Trellis Tablecloth,
designed by Cora Rattle, Annie's Attic, 2013. Created with size 10 crochet
thread. BRAND NEW 2013 RELEASE!
2 Available
$5.95 |
GS-4483 |
Magnetic Crochet Bookmarks,
designed by Debra Arch, Annie's Attic, 2012. 6 easy designs created with size
10 thread and magnetic sheets: Smiley Face, Owl, Heart Photo, Cross, Kitty, and
Flip Flops. BRAND NEW 2012 RELEASE!
3 Available
$5.99 |
GS-4406 |
"Breit" Little Things in
Thread Crochet, designed by Mary Englebreit, Leisure Arts, 2007. Accent
designs include: Checkered Border, several flowers, Flower Chain, Cottage,
Stack of Bowlies, Cherries, Polka Dot Heart, Ink Bottle, Paintbrush, Flower
Pot, Teacup, and Teapot. BRAND NEW!
2 Available
$10.95 |
GS-4496 |
Filet Crochet The Baby's Room,
designed by Karen Bowdish and Sharon Sutherland Pope, True Colors
International, 1994. Designs include: Duck, Bear, Rabbit, Rattle, Heart, and
Open Square Blocks for Afghan, Pillow, Wall Hanging, Sachet, and Door Hanger;
Letters and Numbers, Sampler, Heart Name, and Train Name. Long out of print but Brand new!
$6.99 |
GS-4227 |
Filet Crochet Victorian Hearts And
Roses, designed by Karen Bowdish and Gary D. Hanner, True Colors
International, 1994. 10 designs inclue: Hearts, Bows, and Rose sachets/pin
cushions; Ribon and Heart Towel Edgings, Heart of Roses Pillow, Welcome and
Love to frame, and Hand Bag. NEW, but has a "scrape" along the
$7.99 |
GS-1996 |
Lovely & Lacy Home Decor,
designed by BellaCrochet, Annie's Attic, 2003. 6 pansy- inspired designs in
size 10 crochet cotton include: Pansy tassle, Picture Frame Trim, Potpourri
Bowl, Dresser Scarf, Air Freshener Doll, and Sachet. Brand New!
$6.99 |
GS-4140 |
Ultimate Guide to Thread
Crochet, Leisure Arts, 2008. "Everything you need to know",
including basic stitches, color changes, blocking, washing, finishing, and
working with beads. 23 projects include: Necklace, Bookmark, Doilies, Sachet,
Snowflakes, Scarf, Filet Initial, Booties & Bonnet, Receiving Blanket
edging, Vest, Edgings (can also use for lace cuffs, trims, belts, etc.), Ring
Belt, Cell Phone Pouch, and stuffed penguin. BRAND
$12.95 |
GS-3610 |
Hearts & Flowers Appliques on a
Roll, Annie's Attic, 2004. Roll Stitch 10 Projects: Morning Glory Journal,
Flower- Trimmed Towels, Perfect Pink Valentine, Daisy Napkin Ring, Floral
Basket Memory Book, Black- Eyed Susan Candle Jar, Summer Flower Photo Album,
Sunflower Notepad, Passion Red Valentine,and Daisy Bookmark. BRAND NEW!
2 Available
$6.99 |
GS-3611 |
Fresh Flower Edgings, designed
by Delsie Rhoades, American School of Needlework, 2004. 14 designs for thread,
including: Baby's Breath, Summer Rose, Sweet William, Pansy, Honeysuckle, White
Alyssum, Daisy, Daffodil, Forget- Me- Not, Princess Rose, Crocus, Flowering
Vine, Rose Vine, and Marigold. BRAND NEW!
$7.99 |
GS-3467 |
Crochet World Presents: The Joy Of
Thread, Crochet World Magazine special edition, 2011. More than 40 designs.
Categories include: Doilies, Little Things (including a lace clock face),
Threadwork Treasures (including a Christening Set, tablecloths & runners,
baby blanket, and Rose Filet Bath Set), and Christmas Corner. BRAND NEW 2011 RELEASE!
$9.99 |
GS-3391 |
Red, White, and True: Filet Crochet
& Fabric Decor, designed by Susan Lowman, Leisure Arts, 2003. 7 designs
include: I Love American flag, Heart Pin, In God We Trust flag, God Bless
Amerian flag, Flag Pillow, Framed Flag, Heart Ornament, Heart Potholder &
Framed Heart. "Shop Copy" shows shelf wear to cover but pages in
excellent condition.
$7.99 |
GS-3356 |
Our Best Thread Crochet, Leisure
Arts, 1996. 128 pages; over 45 designs for The Charming Home (doilies,
coasters, table toppers and runners, edgings, dishcloths, pot holders, weclome
sign, box, glass cozies, etc.), Keepsake Gifts (Ring Bearer's Pillow, Dolly's
afghan, bookmarks, coasters, bells, sachets, Candy Dish, Wedding Ensemble,
etc.), Baby Boutique (sweater set, blankets, Bible cover, bibs, sleeper
booties, and accents), and Christmas Pretties (snowflakes, Potpourri Baskets,
Angels, wreath, Poinsettia Doily, angel motifs for pillows, and tablecloth.
New, but slight store shelf wear to cover.
$14.95 |
Note: Additional postage may be required for
shipping outside the US. |
GS-3270 |
Tabletop Elegance, Annie's
Attic, 2005. 13 gorgeous table accents, including: Flowers & Shells doily,
Dancing Butterflies doily, Hearts & Pineapples table topper, Floral Filet
runner, Lavender Lace tablecloth, Pineapple Lace tablecloth, Diamonds among the
Roses tablecloth, Regency doily, Irish Rosaleen doily, Shaded Butterflies
shaped table topper, Summer Sage table topper, and Pineapple Tulips doily. Like
$7.99 |
GS-2424 |
Special Shapes & Stitches
Doilies & Table Toppers, by Josie Rabier, Annie's Attic, 2007. Seven
designs in size 10 crochet cottton: Ecru Oval Doily, Yellow & White Teble
Topper, White Rectangular Table Topper, Frosty Green Table Topper, Pink &
White Doily, Popcorn Pineapple Topper, White Fanciful Table Topper. Tag residue
on front cover, but otherwise like new.
$9.99 |
GS-2005 |
Tablecloths in 1/2 the Time, by
Joyce Nordstrom, Annie's Attic, 2008. 4 elegant designs to crochet in size 3
thread: Indiana White Daisies, Lusiana Golden Stems, Illinois Thistle Seed,
Kansas Lacy Pineapples. BRAND NEW!
2 Available
$7.95 |
Thread, Page
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Thread Crochet: Grama's
Favorites (pre-1960) *
Doilies * Crochet
Jewelry * Collars